
The Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIR) group studies theory, algorithms, and systems for making intelligent decisions in complex and uncertain environments. The research covers most aspects of AIR including perception and interpretation of sensor data, learning about environments, learning to make decisions, automated planning and reasoning, and interaction of AIR systems with each other and with humans. The group studies AIR systems for both virtual and physical worlds under varying levels of autonomy, ranging from decision support systems to full autonomy.

The research is grounded in a wide range of applications. Example decision support applications include forest fire management, species conservation, emergency response, and precision agriculture. Our robotics applications include intelligent wheel chairs, ocean exploration, medical applications, and agriculture.

The faculty members in this research group are also part the Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CoRIS) Institute. This interdisciplinary group is made up of 25 core faculty researchers and 180 graduate students, and another 40 collaborators across the university who apply robotics and AI in their work. The institute is committed to exploring the impact of robotics and AI on individuals and society through its three principal impact areas: academics, research, and deployed systems and policy.

A faculty member wearing glasses, smiling. In the background there is a group of people.
How do you integrate ethics, policy, and practicality into the design of revolutionary robotics and artificial intelligence systems? Professors Kagan Tumer and Tom Dietterich are collaborating to find out as they help lead the Oregon State Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute.

Sub Areas

  • Automated Decision Making and Control
  • Machine Learning and Data Mining
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Robotics

Related Courses

  • AI 530 Big Ideas in AI
  • AI 531: Artificial Intelligence
  • AI 533: Intelligent Agents and Decision Making
  • AI 534: Machine Learning
  • AI 535: Deep Learning
  • AI 536: Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • AI 537: Computer Vision
  • AI 538: Natural Language Processing
  • AI 637: Computer Vision II
  • AI 539: ST/Natural Language Processing & Deep Learning
  • AI 539: ST/Machine Learning II
  • AI 539: ST/Causal Inference for AI
  • AI 539: ST/Machine Learning Challenges
  • AI 539: ST/Safe and Reliable Autonomy
  • AI 539: ST/Machine Learning Challenges in the Real World
  • AI 539: ST/Advanced Graphical Models
  • AI 539: ST/On-line Learning
  • AI 506: AI Capstone Sequence
  • ECE 565: Estimation, Detection, and Filtering
  • ECE 599: Convex Optimization
  • ROB 514: Introduction to Robotics
  • ROB 521: Applied Robotics
  • ROB 537: Learning-Based Control
  • ROB 534: Sequential Decision Making in Robotics
  • ME 531: Linear Multivariate Control Systems I
  • ME 533: Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis


Houssam Abbas

Houssam Abbas

Assistant Professor


Design, control and verification of cyber-physical systems; ethics in AI


Alireza Aghasi

Alireza Aghasi

Associate Professor


Data science and machine learning; signal and image processing; optimization theory; statistics and probability theory

Lizhong Chen

Lizhong Chen

Associate Professor


CPU and GPU architecture; high-performance computing; machine learning accelerators; data centers; natural language processing.

Jason Clark

Jason Clark

Associate Professor of Practice


Polymechatronics; electro micro metrology; microrobotics; artificial engineering; computer-aided design and engineering; intelligent tutoring systems

Patrick Donnelly

Patrick Donnelly

Assistant Professor


Deep learning from non-speech audio; educational data mining from audio; large imbalanced datasets; machine learning in the musical domain

Alan Fern

Alan Fern



Artificial intelligence, including machine learning, data mining, and automated planning/control

Xiaoli Fern

Xiaoli Fern

Associate Professor


Machine learning; data mining; unsupervised learning; ecosystem informatics; natural language processing

Portrait of Xiao Fu

Xiao Fu

Associate Professor


Topic modeling; large-scale structured matrix/tensor factorization algorithms; multivew analysis, canonical correlation analysis; hyperspectral imaging

David Hendrix

David Hendrix



Motif finding; non-coding RNA structure and function analysis; apps of machine learning to computational biology; deep sequencing data analysis

Sanghyun Hong

Sanghyun Hong

Assistant Professor


Security, privacy, and machine learning, especially on building secure and reliable AI systems from a systems security perspective

Liang Huang

Liang Huang



Natural language processing, including parsing and translation; structured machine learning; computational structural biology (RNA and protein folding); deep learning

Heather Knight

Heather Knight

Assistant Professor


Human-robot interaction; non-verbal machine communications; non-anthropomorphic social robots

Stefan Lee

Stefan Lee

Assistant Professor


Computer vision; natural language processing; deep learning; machine learning.

Fuxin Li

Fuxin Li

Associate Professor


Computer vision; deep learning; machine learning; segmentation-based object recognition and scene understanding; spatio-temporal video analysis.

A profile picture for Karthika Mohan.

Karthika Mohan

Assistant Professor


Causal inference; graphical models; AI safety

Raviv Raich

Raviv Raich



Adaptive sensing/sampling; manifold learning; sparse representations for signal processing.

Stephen Ramsey

Stephen Ramsey

Associate Professor


Machine learning; computational systems biology; bioinformatics; integrative computational methods to map gene regulatory networks

Portrait of Sandhya Saisubramanian

Sandhya Saisubramanian

Assistant Professor


Automated planning, reinforcement learning, safe and reliable AI.

Portrait of Arash Termehchy.

Arash Termehchy

Associate Professor


Reasoning and ML on raw data; reasoning and ML on structured data; scalable and robust ML; data systems; human-data interaction

Sinisa Todorovic

Sinisa Todorovic



Object recognition; region / shape matching; texture; video object segmentation; stochastic image grammars.

Huazheng Wang

Huazheng Wang

Assistant Professor


Machine learning; reinforcement learning; information retrieval; data mining

Weng-Keen Wong

Weng-Keen Wong



Machine learning; probabilistic graphical models; anomaly detection; human-in-the-loop learning; computational sustainability.

Portrait of Julie Adams.

Julie A. Adams



Distributed artificial intelligence; robotics; human-machine teaming; human-computer interaction; human-robot interaction

Tom Dietterich

Thomas G. Dietterich

Distinguished Professor Emeritus


Machine learning; safe and robust AI systems; sensor networks; intelligent user interfaces

Prasad Tadepalli

Prasad Tadepalli



Artificial intelligence; machine learning; automated planning; natural language processing.

Affiliated Faculty

Portrait of Ravi Balasubramanian.

Ravi Balasubramanian

Associate Professor


Robust operation in unstructured environments; neural control and biomechanics

Matthew Campbell

Matthew Campbell



Design automation and optimization; graph topology optimization; artificial intelligence in engineering design; automated manufacturing planning; product design and development

Profile image placeholder

Jana Doppa

Assistant Professor (Adjunct)


Portrait of Geoff Hollinger.

Geoff Hollinger



Planning, coordination, and learning techniques for autonomous robotic systems


Bill Smart



Improving interactions between people and robots; enabling robots to be self-sufficient; robots as personal assistants for people with severe motor disabilities

Kagan Tumer

Kagan Tumer



Learning, optimization & control in large complex systems; learning & coordination in multiagent systems; distributed reinforcement learning; evolutionary algorithms for control & optimization