Weng-Keen Wong

Weng-Keen Wong

OSU Site Director, Pervasive Personalized Intelligence Center
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2075 Kelley Engineering Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004
M.S., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001
B.S., Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 1997
Research Expertise

Machine learning; probabilistic graphical models; anomaly detection; human-in-the-loop learning; computational sustainability.


Weng-Keen Wong is an associate professor of computer science at Oregon State University. He received his Ph.D. (2004) and M.S. (2001) in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, and his B.Sc. (1997) from the University of British Columbia. His research areas are in data mining and machine learning, with specific interests in anomaly detection, surveillance algorithms, and mining large scale datasets. His Ph.D. thesis was entitled "Data Mining Algorithms for the Early Detection of Disease Outbreaks" and he is involved in the field of disease outbreak surveillance.