1.1 MW TRIGA Mark II Pulsing Research Reactor

1.1 MW TRIGA Mark II Pulsing Research Reactor

The reactor is used for training students, various research projects and isotope production.

Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Institute

Metal Additive Manufacturing Thin Films Processing Specialty Chemical Synthesis

SPECS Ambient Pressure XPS/STM Equipment

Ambient Pressure Surface Characterization Laboratory

This facility has unique capabilities for preparation and characterization of samples in a range of environments.

Biomedical Prototyping and Characterization Facility

Micro/nano-fabrication, biosensors, medical diagnostics

Two people talking at a control station.

Center for Quantitative Life Sciences

Genome-enabled and data-driven research

Jeff Nason and researcher in lab.

Center for Research in Engineering Education Online

CREEdO provides a community for engineering education research that is happening throughout the College of Engineering and leverages that…

Clean Room

A shared use facility with many tools available in the OSU Electrical Engineering fabrication facilities.

Faculty member using the simulated bicycle.

Driving and Bicycling Simulators

Researchers affiliated with the laboratory are concerned with studying transportation operations and safety issues from a multi-modal perspective…

Students conducting field work at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest

Eco-Informatics Summer Institute (EISI)

The EISI is an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program

Memorial Union exterior in fall.

Energy Efficiency Center

Energy efficiency training and research

inside of Energy Exploration facility

Energy Exploration (E2) Center

Small modular reactor power plant control room simulator

Gene D. Knudson Engineering Laboratory

Gene D. Knudson Wood Engineering Laboratory

Accommodate dynamic testing of large wood components and structural systems

Two engineers working in the Geotechnical Field Research Site

Geotechnical Field Research Site

Provides researchers, engineering practitioners, and contractors with a well-characterized site for state-of-the-art research and product testing…

High Temperature Test Facility

The purpose of the test facility is twofold: to validate the correlations that are currently uses to model relevant heat transfer and fluid flow…

Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility

Hydro-mechanical fuel testing

Diagram of concrete.

Infrastructure Materials Laboratories

These laboratories provide advanced tools and expertise for the pursuit of industrial and academic research.

Kiewit Center for Infrastructure and Transportation Research

The umbrella organization for nearly all research within the School of Civil and Construction Engineering

Student working in Material Synthesis Facility.

Materials Synthesis & Characterization Facility

thin-film deposition, device fabrication, and materials analysis

Multi-Application Small Light Water Reactor

Multi-Application Small Light Water Reactor (MASLWR)

The current testing program is examining methods for natural circulation startup, helical steam generator heat transfer performance, a wide range…

stock image of oregon fall

Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering

We design, implement, and deploy large-scale software systems that integrate complex data from diverse sources to enable science-based decision-…

Engineers working on a machine at Northwest Nanotechnology Infrastructure site

Northwest Nanotechnology Infrastructure

The NNI site specializes in world class nanotechnology infrastructure paired with technical and educational leadership in integrated photonics,…

cover photo of academic year highlights

O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory

The laboratory conducts research on coastal and nearshore processes involving: Wave-structure interaction Nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment…

Engineer working on machine.

Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute

Materials science, related device and system technologies

Solar panels

Oregon Process Innovation Center for Solar Cell Manufacturing

This center serves Oregon as a collaborative hub for industry and academic researchers to develop innovative processes for sustainable…

Two engineering students working on a computer.

Oregon State University Materials Innovation Center (OSMIC)

Research thrust aimed at fostering academic collaboration and industrial partnership in the synthesis of novel inorganic materials for the…

Electron microscopy lab

OSU Electron Microscopy Facility

The Electron Microscopy Facility at Oregon State University (OSU) is a service facility providing faculty, staff, students, and Industrial…

OSU MicroCT Facility

Micro computer tomography scanning

Radiation Center

Home to a collection of highly specialized experimental and laboratory facilities as well as the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering.