From concept to idea to major impact: our innovative research spans the fields of artificial intelligence, mixed-signal integrated circuits, human-computer interaction, cybersecurity, and more. Our groundbreaking online educational programs have made us a leader in distance learning and one of the largest sources of computer science graduates in the country.

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A student walking near display banners outdoor on campus.
Picture of the Memorial Union.

Mission Statement

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University provides a comprehensive education to all of our students that enables them to become successful and ethical professionals by delivering high quality programs that foster lifelong learning and a sense of community, and that meet the needs of our stakeholders.

tom Weller

Welcome from the School Head

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Oregon State University College of Engineering has a rich legacy of educational advances and research achievements. These include industry-driven experiential learning activities for our undergraduates, and groundbreaking online education programs that have helped propel Oregon State to a national leadership position in distance learning.

The school has also produced world-changing research in areas that include artificial intelligence, transparent electronics, mixed-signal integrated circuits, and human-computer interaction.

Our faculty are among the core members that comprise the College of Engineering’s interdisciplinary robotics program, which is widely recognized as one of the best in the country.

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EECS Scholarship Support



Number of Computer Science Degrees Awarded in the Nation



Research Funding



Early Career Awards