The data science and engineering (DSE) group works to develop technology, processes, and software to enable effective access to and utilization of overwhelming amounts of information. The group studies the fundamental problems that arise throughout the DSE pipeline, which leads from the original noisy data measurements to decisions and visualizations enabled by the data. Solving these problems requires contributions from a variety of fields including signal processing, database systems, machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence, as well as areas that study particular data modalities such as computer vision and natural language processing.
Our group grounds its work in a wide variety of application domains. Some examples include ecological modeling from citizen science and sensor data, medical data applications, precision agriculture, anomaly detection for security and data integrity, activity recognition in video, computational biology, and others.
Sub Areas
Signal Processing
- Databases and Data Management
Data Security and Privacy
Data Visualization and Graphics
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Ecosystem Informatics and Computational Sustainability
Related Courses
- CS 531: Artificial Intelligence
- CS 533: Intelligent Agents and Decision Making
- CS 534: Machine Learning
- CS 535: Deep Learning
- CS 536: Probabilistic Graphical Models
- CS 537: Computer Vision
- CS 538: Natural Language Processing
- CS 540: Advanced Database Management Systems
- CS 546: Networks in Computational Biology
- CS 637: Computer Vision II
- CS 519: Data Exploration and Analytics
- CS 519: Algorithms for Computational Molecular Biology
- BB 585: Applied Bioinformatics
- ECE 565: Estimation, Detection, and Filtering
- ECE 599: Convex Optimization

Alireza Aghasi
Data science and machine learning; signal and image processing; optimization theory; statistics and probability theory

Lizhong Chen
CPU and GPU architecture; high-performance computing; machine learning accelerators; data centers; natural language processing.

Patrick Donnelly
Deep learning from non-speech audio; educational data mining from audio; large imbalanced datasets; machine learning in the musical domain

Alan Fern
Artificial intelligence, including machine learning, data mining, and automated planning/control

Xiaoli Fern
Machine learning; data mining; unsupervised learning; ecosystem informatics; natural language processing

Xiao Fu
Topic modeling; large-scale structured matrix/tensor factorization algorithms; multivew analysis, canonical correlation analysis; hyperspectral imaging

Bechir Hamdaoui
Resilient & intelligent networked systems; network & wireless security; enabling network & communication technologies.

David Hendrix
Motif finding; non-coding RNA structure and function analysis; apps of machine learning to computational biology; deep sequencing data analysis

Sanghyun Hong
Security, privacy, and machine learning, especially on building secure and reliable AI systems from a systems security perspective

Rebecca Hutchinson
Latent variable models, semi-parametric methods, network analysis, model evaluation strategies, with applications in ecology.

Stefan Lee
Computer vision; natural language processing; deep learning; machine learning.

Fuxin Li
Computer vision; deep learning; machine learning; segmentation-based object recognition and scene understanding; spatio-temporal video analysis.

V John Mathews
Adaptation & learning; nonlinear signal processing; application of signal & information processing to neural engineering and biomedical applications, structural health monitoring, audio & communication systems.

Karthika Mohan
Causal inference; graphical models; AI safety

Raviv Raich
Adaptive sensing/sampling; manifold learning; sparse representations for signal processing.

Stephen Ramsey
Machine learning; computational systems biology; bioinformatics; integrative computational methods to map gene regulatory networks

Sandhya Saisubramanian
Automated planning, reinforcement learning, safe and reliable AI.

Arash Termehchy
Reasoning and ML on raw data; reasoning and ML on structured data; scalable and robust ML; data systems; human-data interaction

Sinisa Todorovic
Object recognition; region / shape matching; texture; video object segmentation; stochastic image grammars.

Weng-Keen Wong
Machine learning; probabilistic graphical models; anomaly detection; human-in-the-loop learning; computational sustainability.

Thomas G. Dietterich
Machine learning; safe and robust AI systems; sensor networks; intelligent user interfaces

Prasad Tadepalli
Artificial intelligence; machine learning; automated planning; natural language processing.
Affiliated Faculty

Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez
Cascading outages in power grids; power system protection, resiliency, and cybersecurity; smart grids and microgrids; wide-area power system data.