EECS Colloquia

Future Colloquia Presentations

Yiran Chen

Efficient and Robust AI Circuits and Systems Through Cross-Layer Optimizations

Yiran Chen

David Moreno-Lumbrera

Exploring software-related data in (web) extended reality - a PhD journey

David Moreno-Lumbreras

Past Colloquia Presentations

Wu Feng

Special Seminar: Confessions of an Accidental Greenie: From Green Destiny to the Green500

Wu Feng

Wu Feng

Special Seminar: At the Synergistic Intersection of Parallel Computing, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning

Wu Feng

Pooya Tadayon

Build-Up Probe Cards

Pooya Tadayon


From a Grain of Sand to a (Quantum) Bit of Information

Jim Clarke


Thin-Film Transistor Accumulation-Mode Modeling

John F. Wager


Materials Science Seminar: Nucleation Reactions in Metallic Glass Alloys

John H. Perepezko


Materials Science Seminar: An overview of the mechanical properties of metallic glasses

Frans Spaepen


Materials Science Seminar: From clusters to fractal packing: Unravel the mystery in atomic structure of amorphous solids and liquids

Mo Li

Surveillance at the margins of the U.S. carceral system

Kentrell Owens

The Road to Data Center Power Efficiency

Tawfik Rahal-Arabi

IEEE SPS Distinguished Lecture: Personalizing Federated Learning to the Edge Device

Prediction, Estimation, and Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Jing Sun

Data Fusion Using ICA and IVA: Solutions, Challenges, and Opportunities

Tülay Adali

Inventing Computing Education to meet all Undergraduates’ Needs

Mark Guzdial

Learning to benchmark

Alfred O. Hero III

Nonconvex Low-Rank Matrix Estimation: Geometry, Robustness, and Acceleration

Yuejie Chi

Friends Don’t Let Friends Deploy Black-Box Models: The Importance of Intelligibility in Machine Learning

Rich Caruana

Robust Methods for Topology Estimation in Unsupervised Learning

Shay Deutsch

Headwind and Drag - Forces That Impede The Grad Student

Jed Irvine

Tensor-Based High-Resolution Channel Parameter Estimation for Hybrid MIMO OFDM Systems in the Millimeter Wave Band

Martin Haardt