Future Colloquia Presentations
Exploring software-related data in (web) extended reality - a PhD journey
David Moreno-Lumbreras
KEC 1005
Past Colloquia Presentations
From a Grain of Sand to a (Quantum) Bit of Information
Jim Clarke
Weniger 153 or Zoom: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97862327662?pwd=VUlXcDQrRFVRNVVOZkZhQTNHdUs1Zz09
Thin-Film Transistor Accumulation-Mode Modeling
John F. Wager
KEC 1007 or Zoom: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97814483519?pwd=WCtxOEkrbzM3b1hQTTRCa1pEM0pxUT09
Materials Science Seminar: Nucleation Reactions in Metallic Glass Alloys
John H. Perepezko
Rogers 226 or https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97697449403?pwd=Q01RL2lwM2Y1WE55RENRU0JiYmt6dz09
Materials Science Seminar: An overview of the mechanical properties of metallic glasses
Frans Spaepen
Rogers 226 or https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97697449403?pwd=Q01RL2lwM2Y1WE55RENRU0JiYmt6dz09
Materials Science Seminar: From clusters to fractal packing: Unravel the mystery in atomic structure of amorphous solids and liquids
Mo Li
Rogers 226 or https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97697449403?pwd=Q01RL2lwM2Y1WE55RENRU0JiYmt6dz09
The Road to Data Center Power Efficiency
Tawfik Rahal-Arabi
KEC 1005 and Zoom: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97859151863?pwd=Um5yQ0RaRDJ5RjRUWjJsQnJoOWNnUT09
IEEE SPS Distinguished Lecture: Personalizing Federated Learning to the Edge Device
Zoom: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97931765557?pwd=dkVmNzNyc1RxVHRrRDVQWXF0ZnNzUT09
Prediction, Estimation, and Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Jing Sun
Data Fusion Using ICA and IVA: Solutions, Challenges, and Opportunities
Tülay Adali
Weniger 149 or https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/93084765508?pwd=T0xGeE9OSmsxTllCaFY2M3BMb0pkUT09
Friends Don’t Let Friends Deploy Black-Box Models: The Importance of Intelligibility in Machine Learning
Rich Caruana
Linus Pauling Science Center 125
Robust Methods for Topology Estimation in Unsupervised Learning
Shay Deutsch
Linus Pauling Science Center 125
Tensor-Based High-Resolution Channel Parameter Estimation for Hybrid MIMO OFDM Systems in the Millimeter Wave Band
Martin Haardt
Linus Pauling Science Center 125