Prospective Students
If you are a prospective first-year student (coming to college for the first time out of high school and will be at the Corvallis campus) you can email your questions to: If you would like to set up a time to meet with an advisor, feel free to contact us through the advisor contact info listed below.
All first-year Corvallis engineering students will work with a first-year advisor from orientation through Spring Term of their first year, transitioning to an advisor in their School/Major for their 2nd year.
Ecampus students in Computer Science, Construction Engineering Management, or Mechanical Engineering programs will work directly with a school advisor in their major throughout their entire program. Post-Bacc students will also work with an advisor in their school. School based advisors can be found on the links at the bottom of the website (Advisors for returning & transfer engineering students).
Students who are Calculus-Ready can declare any of our engineering majors at admission or anytime after. To read about our admission requirements, please review the information here: Calculus-Ready
Students who are unsure of their engineering major can declare General Engineering while they explore.
Changing Majors into College of Engineering from another College
If you are currently a first-year student in another major but want to change into an engineering major, please either attend a drop-in time or email one of the first-year advisors. Students who are not yet ready to take MTH 251 (Differential Calculus) will need to wait to declare engineering until they are calculus ready.
First-year Advising Mission
We serve and support first-year students in the College of Engineering with regular collaborative interactions to:
- Provide a compass for the academic and career exploration process by challenging students to examine the links between their goals, values, and interests;
- Help students navigate complex university structures by explaining and applying procedures, policies, and processes;
- Assist in the successful transition to college by encouraging students to access appropriate campus resources and extracurricular engagement, and to feel included, empowered, and involved in a community of engineering scholars.
Scheduling an appointment/how to meet with an advisor
In-Person and Remote Drop-In Times announced at the start of each term. (Refer to First-Year Engineering Student Canvas course for virtual drop-in form and details, if you are not enrolled in this course, email
Fall, Spring, and Winter Term Drop-In Times:
Drop-ins: In-person in JOHN 114 or remote (sign-in from First-Year Engineering Student Canvas Course)
11:00-11:30 a.m. and 4:00-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Extended drop-in times will be announced for Week 0 and Week 1 of the term through Canvas.
Scheduling an appointment:
Current students should schedule with their assigned advisor through Beaver Hub. If you need to schedule with another advisor, please send an email to that advisor. For information to prepare for appointments, please refer to the First-Year Engineering Canvas course. If you are not in the Canvas course, please send an advisor an email to be added.
Julia Rosenzweig is on leave until winter, her students (Sp-Z) have been assigned another advisor for fall, as noted below.
- Nathan Simmons: A-Cl and U-War
- Bridget Brown: Cm-G and T
- Sarah Kyllo: H-Ki and Y-Z
- Syllebram Diaz: Kj-N and Was-Wz
- Chris Roman: O-S
- Julia Rosenzweig: On Leave

Julia Rosenzweig
Advisees last names: Sp-Z
Professional Advisor
Common Questions
- Where are the advising offices? Searchable campus map
- How can I find what courses are required for the major I am most interested in? Curriculum Guides
- What will my first-year experience look like? Engineering+
- What engineering majors are offered? Planning: Types of Engineering
- Where can I go for tutoring or academic support? Academic Support Resources
- How can I find out about Engineering Student Clubs or Organizations? Engineering Sponsored Student Organizations
- What policies in COE should I be aware of? Academic Progression Model