Welcome to the EECS undergraduate advising appointment website. Current OSU undergraduate students can use this site to schedule an appointment with an EECS advisor. Our Virtual Drop-in advising calendar can be found towards the bottom of this page.
Drop-in Advising. Drop-in advising hours are offered via Zoom and in-person. Drop-in advising is a good option if you just have a quick question or an urgent request. See the drop-in calendar below for hours and access.
Zoom Advising Appointments. The majority of advising appointments will be offered over Zoom. Remote advising appointments are currently available.
In-person Advising Appointments. In-person advising appointments are available. Please note the following regarding in-person appointments:
- Check in with the front desk in KEC 1148 for your appointment. Please arrive 5 minutes early for your appointment.
- Face masks welcome but not required.
Schedule an Advising Appointment
This website provides access to EECS advisors who work with undergraduate and postbacc students enrolled in the School of EECS. Please note the following before scheduling an advising appointment.
On-Campus First-Year EECS students
On-campus first-year students are those taking courses at the Corvallis campus who recently graduated from high school. First-year students should work with their first-year advisor. Your advisor can be found in the Success Team section of your BeaverHub profile. -
Newly admitted Ecampus CS students
Complete your Ecampus Orientation and School of EECS New Student Orientation before scheduling an individual advising appointment. Newly admitted Ecampus CS students will receive information regarding the School of EECS new student orientation process by email after completing their Ecampus Orientation. This email will be sent to your oregonstate.edu email address. If you believe you should have already received an email or have questions about the School of EECS new student orientation process, please email us at EECSUndergrad.Info@oregonstate.edu. Remember to include your OSU ID number if contacting us by email. -
Newly admitted Corvallis campus CS and ECE transfer students
Complete your START Orientation before scheduling an individual advising appointment. -
Current OSU students interested in changing their major to CS or ECE or adding a CS Minor
Contact us during our Drop-in Advising hours. -
Non-OSU Prospective students
Contact us by emailing EECSTransfer@oregonstate.edu.
Your Primary EECS Advisor
All degree seeking CS and ECE students are assigned to a primary EECS advisor. Your advisor is listed in the Success Team section of your Beaver Hub profile. Please come to our Drop-in Advising hours for assistance if you do not have a primary advisor assigned to you.
We strongly recommend that you work closely with your primary advisor. However, you are free to meet with any EECS undergraduate advisor.
Scheduling an advising appointment with your primary advisor is done through your Beaver Hub profile. You can use this page to schedule an appointment with any EECS advisor (including your primary advisor).

Ainsley Wilson
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Angela Philmus
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

April Whitney
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Audrey Rasmussen
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an Appointment
Zoom link

Brooke Jackson
Appointment Type: Zoom
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Elisabeth White
Appointment Type: Zoom
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Hannah Royball
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Jamie Romine-Gabardi
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Maha Albarjas
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Nathan Callahan
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Rebecca Schaffeld
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Scott Harrington
Appointment Type: Zoom
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

Tyler De Adder
Appointment Type: Zoom or In-person
Schedule an appointment
Zoom link

** NO-SHOW POLICY: Students who are more than 10 minutes late or did not cancel their appointment in advance will be marked as a no-show. Cancellations cannot be completed within 12 hours of the appointment time. Students who have a subsequent no-show in the twelve (12) months following a no-show will not receive their registration PIN until the last Monday of phase one priority registration. Students who have no-showed their advising appointment must still meet with an advisor in order to receive their PIN.
Drop-In Advising
Drop-in advising hours are for current students experiencing registration issues, seeking S/U approvals, requesting course overrides and/or other questions that can be answered in 5 minutes or less. Registration PINs will not be issued during drop in advising. Students coming to drop-in hours will meet with the advisor that is currently available.
Zoom drop-in advising hours will be conducted using Zoom and requires internet and audio access. Students who do not have access to Zoom are encouraged to email their question to EECSUndergrad.info@oregonstate.edu or schedule an advising appointment.
Login for drop-in advising hours.