As technology allows, events are recorded and posted about a week afterwards. Visit past recordings below and take a read at this page for Zoom Tips!
All EECS students (first-year through Ph.D.) are invited to #WebinarWednesdays, so expect a very broad audience with a lot of questions about everything. In addition to fielding some technical questions, expect questions about employment, social justice, working remotely, and your company culture (company mentorship, expectations for new hires, etc).
Because the student audience is quite varied, some of our industry guests find these forums are a place where they get to offer some quality "coaching" advice on everything from career paths to succeeding in life. Plan on sharing tips on how to succeed at your company.
If you have recent hires from Oregon State, consider involving them in the call. It's always helpful for the audience to hear a peer's perspective.
Keep in mind, roughly half of our students are in our online postbacc computer program. These students already have a bachelor's degree and are pursuing a second in computer science and are located across the nation. Some live in international locations.
Questions? Reach out to our office.
Webinar Wednesdays is a virtual venue where you can share about your company with our students. It's a great place to share your cool technology or a topic of general interest for 20 minutes. The rest of the time is an "ask-me-anything" session filled with questions from the students. This is the perfect forum for sharing advice you wish you had known as a student. When scheduling your talk, please keep in mind our EECS INSPiRE members may have first priority.
- Consider learning more about the company before speaking with a representative.
- Review the company's website and its products. Think about questions you might have for the recruiters. If you aren't sure what to ask, visit our career education page for tips.
- Dress Business Casual.
- Look forward to emails from or
Future Webinar Wednesday Events
No Events scheduled. Check again soon.
Past Webinar Wednesday Events