IE Ph.D. programs of study comprise a minimum of 108 credits* beyond the baccalaureate degree, distributed as follows:

1. Dissertation/Doctoral Thesis Credits

IE PhD students must complete a minimum of 36 credits of IE 603 Thesis. A maximum of 60 of an IE PhD student's 108 credits may be IE 603 Thesis.  Additional credits beyond 108 may be IE 603 Thesis, if desired.

2.    Core Coursework

IE PhD students must pass the six core courses, as described below, with a 3.5 GPA and no single grade lower than B. If a student receives a grade lower than a B in a particular class they may repeat the class one time, or complete a substitute course, approved by the students committee, with a B or higher grade.

With permission of the faculty teaching a core course, students may use a course taken and the grade received from a different institution as a substitute for that core course. In the event that the student substitutes prior courses for all of the first-year core courses, the student must pass a selection of other technical classes at OSU (approved by the student’s committee) with a 3.5 GPA and no single grade lower than B.  Students that transfer to OSU at an advanced stage in their Ph.D. program will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

All core courses must be completed within six terms (not including summer term) after starting the Ph.D. program. In the case a student’s progress is interrupted by extenuating circumstances (e.g., illness), their case will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the student’s committee.

  • IE 512: Information Systems Engineering (4 credits)
  • IE 521: Industrial Optimization I (3 credits) or IE 522: Industrial Optimization II (3 credits)
  • IE 545: Human Factors Engineering (4 credits)
  • IE 570: Management Systems Engineering (4 credits) or IE 571: Project Management in Engineering (3 credits) or IE 575: Systems Thinking Theory and Practice (4 credits)
  • IE 552: Design of Industrial Experiments (3 credits)
  • IE 563: Advanced Production Planning and Control (3 credits)

3.    Additional Coursework

IE Ph.D. students are required to bring their coursework credit total to a minimum of 48 credits by choosing additional graduate-level coursework to complete their program of study. All courses on the Program of Study form must be approved by the student's major professor.

4.    Transcript-visible Option(s) Coursework

IE PhD students may declare a transcript-visible option (see OSU Catalog for available options). Declaring a transcript-visible option is not required.

5.    Transcript-visible Minor(s) Coursework

IE PhD students may declare an 18-credit minor from a program outside of Industrial Engineering. Declaring a minor is not required.

Milestone Deadline Reference links
on these pages:
Meet with the MIME graduate advisor Meeting should occur prior to end of first term in graduate school.

Lynn Paul profile

Schedule appt


Major professor selection and graduate committee formation Must be formed prior to combined program meeting/qualifying exam.


Graduate program area leads

MIME Graduate Research Faculty Directory


Complete appropriate safety training As needed  

Make a rough sketch of proposed graduate coursework

Core coursework must be done prior to the combined program meeting / qualifying examination.


Transferring credits

MIME Proposed Graduate Level Courses [Excel]

Industrial Engineering coursework and credit requirements


Ethical research training Can be completed at ANY time, but it MUST BE COMPLETED before program of study approval.

Step by step instructions for finding the correct ethical research training

Finalize program of study (POS) Must be completed prior to combined program meeting / qualifying exam.

Program of Study form

IE coursework/credits

Ph.D. Program Meeting

Combined PhD Program Meeting / Qualifying Exam

This meeting must be convened but need not be scheduled through the graduate school.

Program of study information from the Graduate School

Program Meeting Checklist

Oral Preliminary Examination Proposal must be completed and approved prior to commencing dissertation research. OSU Grad School exam scheduling form
Dissertation completion Must be completed prior to final oral examination. OSU Grad School Thesis Guide;
OSU ScholarsArchive;
Step by step instructions for ScholarsArchive;
Instructions and considerations for data sets
Final oral examination

No sooner than one complete term following preliminary examination.

No more than five years after completing preliminary examination.

No more than nine years from the commencement of graduate studies.

OSU Grad School exam scheduling form