
Safer, smarter, more resilient

We are dedicated to creating a safer, smarter, and more resilient world. Our highly collaborative culture and interdisciplinary approach allow us to attract and retain world-class faculty. We are committed to research that furthers Oregon’s prosperity, helps build a sustainable future, and enhances the lives of all members of the global community. Our faculty welcome opportunities to apply their research in industrial settings, where industry partners have numerous options for tapping into their problem-solving expertise in design, analysis, and testing.

Research and Innovation

Areas of Research Excellence

Industry Research and Collaborations

TIER I: Small-Scope Analysis, Design or Testing Project

$5K donation plus expenses

  • Capstone Design Project
  • Honors Thesis Project
  • Short-Term Graduate Student Project
  • Service Testing
TIER II: Medium-Scope Analysis or Design Project

$10–$50K plus expenses

  • Partial-Year Graduate Research Project
  • Faculty Research Project
TIER III: Large-Scope Analysis or Design Project

$75K and up

  • Full-Year Graduate Research Project
  • MIME Industry Fellow (2-year package: research project + company internship for highly qualified graduate student)



Doctoral Students



Academic Faculty



Research Funding



Early Career Awards