Graduate instructions picnic.

Welcome to graduate studies in the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. We look forward to helping you achieve your professional and personal goals. As an incoming graduate student please review the procedures listed below.

It is perfectly normal for your class registration to be locked -- until your undergraduate degree is certified and your final transcripts are received at the OSU Graduate School! ***

Please note, students enrolled in an online degree program only should follow this Guide for Ecampus Students.

Prior to the Start of Your First Term at Oregon State University

  1. Follow the instructions that accompanied your letter of admission.

  2. Activate your ONID account. ONID is your OSU Network Identifier. Every student has an ONID username and must activate their ONID account to register for classes. To activate your ONID account, go to and choose “Activate your ONID.”

  3. Become familiar with the BeaverHub portal.
  4. New International Graduate Students: Complete any additional procedures listed on the Orientation and Arrival Information on the International Programs website.
  5. Check the relevant Events for Incoming MIME Graduate Students.
  6. Review courses taught by MIME faculty, the courses required for your area of interest, and select courses to take in your first term. Verify that you satisfy the course prerequisites and that there are no schedule conflicts.
  7. Meet with the appropriate research faculty member to discuss your proposed course schedule. If you received an employment offer as a graduate research assistant (GRA), please contact that faculty member directly for initial coursework consultation. If you do not yet have a faculty mentor (major professor), please contact the appropriate faculty member listed below:
    • Advanced Manufacturing (IE and ME) students: Contact Karl Haapala, Advanced Manufacturing Research Program Coordinator
    • Industrial Engineering students: Contact Javier Calvo, Industrial Engineering Research Program Coordinator
    • Mechanical Engineering students: Contact the Research Program Coordinator in your concentration area:
      • Thermal–Fluid Science: Kyle Niemeyer
      • Robotics and Control: Cindy Grimm
      • Design: Matt Campbell
      • Materials Mechanics: Melissa Santala
    • Robotics students: Cindy Grimm, Robotics Program Director
    • Master of Engineering students (coursework-only / non-research): Contact Lynn Paul, Head Advisor for MIME Graduate Programs
  8. Obtain an OSU ID Card at the University ID Center (Room 103, Memorial Union). (To locate the Memorial Union and other buildings around campus, use the Campus Map.)
  9. If you have received a graduate assistantship (GTA or GRA) offer letter from MIME, go to University Plaza 1600 SW Western Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97333 to fill out new hire paperwork. Please remember to bring the following documents:
    • Social Security card (or receipt from the Social Security Office)
    • Voided check or savings account statement
    • International students: passport, I-20 and I-94, and identification as outlined on page 3 of your I-9 form (photocopies are not accepted, you must bring originals)
  10. Take care of your ethical research training now! OSU requires all graduate students to be trained in the ethical conduct of research. This is a great thing to get out of the way before classes begin. You will be glad you did this early.

As You Begin Your Graduate Program

  1. Review the following resources for information about the Graduate School and milestones specific to your academic program:

  2. Learn about the MIME Faculty associated with your graduate program, and schedule meetings with those whose research and teaching pursuits most closely match your interests.

By the End of Your First Term

  1. Select your major professor. You should select a major professor by the end of your first term. Find a faculty member whose research and teaching interests align with your own and who willing to advise you and supervise your research/studies at Oregon State.
  2. In consultation with the MIME graduate advisor and/or your major professor, develop a tentative program of study using the Digital Program of Study development tool.