
The School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering offers many opportunities and resources for students seeking graduate education in the fields of mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, materials science, and robotics.
The following links are valuable for both prospective and current graduate students:
MIME Graduate Program Information
Information about MIME graduate program components and requirements as well as application and admissions processes for MIME graduate students
- Oregon State University Graduate School
- Important academic deadlines monitored by the Graduate School
- Link to OSU Graduate School's forms page
- The OSU Graduate School advances Oregon State University's teaching, research, and outreach goals by supporting graduate students in all aspects of their education.
Instructions for Incoming Graduate Students
A checklist of check-in steps and orientation information for incoming graduate students
- Guide for New Ecampus Graduate Students (IE MEng)
- Research in MIME
Graduate students play key roles in well funded, highly collaborative research projects - Financial Support for MIME Graduate Students
The school offers graduate assistantships in both teaching and research - Academic Advising for MIME Graduate Students
Graduate students are expected to meet with the graduate advisor before the end of their first term at Oregon State. - OSU Catalog search tool
- Commencement Information for Outgoing Graduate Students
Students nearing the end of their academic tenure at OSU can check here for information about details regarding final oral exams, commencement, diploma application, etc. - MIME Proposed Graduate Level Courses [Excel]
For Program of Study planning – all currently planned MIME graduate courses and the year and term they will be offered. - MIME Graduate Student Directory
- Registrar’s forms
- OSU's Office of International Affairs
- OSU Student Health Service