
The Computer Graphics and Visualization group consists of researchers in image processing, computer graphics, visualization, visual analytics, GPU programming, simulation, and geometry processing. The primary goals of this group are the analysis, synthesis, understanding, and manipulation of visual data such as images, video sequences, and 3D geometric content.

Application areas span a broad range from art entertainment, to science and engineering, and to biology and medicine. The group is actively engaged in image and video editing and enhancement, special effects, 3D interactive content generation, pattern recognition and object recognition. This research cluster includes the researchers from the Graphics & Image Technologies Laboratory as well as overlapping with researchers in the Data Science, Theoretical Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence groups.

A faculty member looking at a laptop while explaining with her hand motions.
Advances in 3D graphics have made movies and video games more realistic, but can also have an impact on science. In this podcast, Associate Professor Eugene Zhang and Associate Professor (Senior Research) Yue Zhang describe their research to help medical doctors better target cancerous tumors by using 3D modeling and simulation.


Sub Areas

  • Rendering
  • Geometry Modeling
  • Animation and Simulation
  • GPU Programming
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Information Visualization
  • Virtual Reality

Related Courses

  • CS 419/519: Numerical Modeling and Simulation
  • CS 419/519: Vector and Tensor Field Visualization
  • CS 419/519 Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • CS 450/550: Intro to Computer Graphics
  • CS 453/553: Scientific Visualization
  • CS 457/557: Shaders
  • CS 475/575: Parallel Programming
  • CS 458/519: Information Visualization
  • CS 551: Computer Graphics
  • CS 552: Computer Animation
  • CS 554: Geometric Modeling
  • CS 557: Computer Graphics shaders


Affiliated Faculty

Portrait of Cindy Grimm

Cindy Grimm



Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute | Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Computer Graphics and Visualization | Robotics