Oregon State University’s Artificial Intelligence and Robotics research group is firmly on the cutting edge. Existing within the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science — which boasts one of the largest programs in the United States, with around 4,500 undergraduates — the AIR group features 33 research faculty, helping to attract over 500 graduate applicants per year. Rife with talent and momentum, the AI research group is ideally suited for collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts at the university and beyond.
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Data Science and Engineering
Human-oriented AI
Some people worry about AI taking over their world — or at least taking away their jobs. The philosophy at Oregon State is that the best applications of AI look not to replace people with robots or other automated systems, but to enhance people’s capabilities, efficiency, and reach. The so-called human-AI partnership is just one critical element for proper adoption that can make AI successful in the field. Oregon State’s focus on this important factor is one way the university’s AI research program has stood out. Understanding problems on a human level (and only then moving to code) has been its mantra. Building things that actually work, that are replicable, and that make any attached investment worthwhile is the signature of AI success. Oregon State can point to many examples. For just one, see our feature article on AgAID an agriculturally centered AI institute featuring 10 core members across academia and tech. Creating solutions to tackle difficult problems that farmers face in their quest to supply food to an increasing population, AgAID is a great example of AI at work.
“In the area of AI, EECS faculty and students have a strong tradition of both theoretical and highly practical research in collaboration with government and industrial partners. The eclectic portfolio of collaborations includes work on AI for cybersecurity, ecology, brain-machine interfaces, hardware accelerators, and real-time language translation, among many others. Our students are regularly hired into both large and small companies for their expertise and experience with AI tools and concepts.”
— Alan Fern, professor of computer science
AI and looking to connect
Oregon State’s interdisciplinary AI and robotics programs, both affiliated with EECS, present significant opportunities not just for students, but for technology companies as well. The school is producing tomorrow’s tech leaders, and getting access to them early is a strategic play for future-minded enterprises.
EECS has an established history of working with industry through direct industrial contracts and federally funded partnerships. With the growing prominence of AI in industry and society, the goal is to dramatically increase such partnerships. One mechanism for this is the Pervasive Personal Intelligence Center. The PPI Center is similar to AgAID, in that it combines multiple leading research universities with over 60 members from high tech. With the Internet of Things as its focus, PPI aims to delve into “all things IoT.” Operating under the NSF-IUCRC model, the PPI works to “support the thrusts that enable an entirely new class of applications, with intelligence that is predictive instead of reactive, thus making processes more efficient and saving time, energy, and money.” Oregon State’s involvement in this program, which has both domestic and international reach, is one of leadership in the AI realm. In keeping with the College of Engineering’s strategic goal to be a “partner of choice” to industry, AI at Oregon State seeks to be a top-quality resource. This includes educating work-ready talent, as well as providing opportunities to work with faculty.
Oregon State’s interdisciplinary AI program invites collaboration within the college, with other academic institutions, and with industry. Using AI to solve specific, real-world problems is the main thrust of the program. We look forward to this program's continued success and growth.
Connect with the AI and Robotics program for hiring and collaborative projects at AI-OSU@oregonstate.edu.