A group of students wearing their graduation gown and cap.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Graduation Celebration

Friday, June 13, 2025

Celebration event

3-5:30 p.m., Gill Coliseum


5:30-6:30 p.m., Parker Plaza (in front of Reser Stadium)

Information for graduating students:

Like completing your degree, there are a few steps to complete. Late registrations will be accepted until June 12.


  • This is a public event. Participants will be photographed/videoed.
  • You MUST register to participate.
  • Check in at Gill Coliseum on Friday, June 13, 2025, no later than 2 p.m.
  • The event will be live streamed.

Important details about the EECS Graduation Celebration

  • Only students who register for the event will have their names read.
  • Students who have graduated or will graduate summer 2024, fall 2024, winter 2025, spring 2025, or summer 2025 can participate.
  • Students are encouraged to attend the school celebration on June 13 and the University Commencement Ceremony on June 14. Diplomas are only awarded at the university ceremony on June 14.
  • This is a cap and gown ceremony. Graduation caps and gowns can be purchased from the Beaver Store, or borrow one from a friend. Be sure to order an orange tassel. Graduate students must also purchase a hood.
  • There is no limit on the number of guests you may invite to the EECS celebration.


When you arrive at Gill Coliseum on June 13 at 2 p.m., check in, then join the other graduates who are lining up. Wear comfortable shoes. This is a cap-and-gown event. Parking is typically free in most lots, except metered/reserved parking spaces.

  • 2 p.m. - Line up at Gill Coliseum
  • 3 p.m. - EECS graduation celebration begins
  • 5:30 p.m. - Reception at Parker Plaza (by Reser Stadium's football sculpture)

Please contact at least two weeks in advance if you or your guests need any special accommodations.


  • Doors open at 2 p.m. ADA access doors open at 1:45 p.m. Guests should arrive early and be prepared to wait out in the weather. Seating is first come, first served. Wear comfortable shoes; you will likely have to wait in line.
  • Only clear bags are allowed in Gill Coliseum. Please refer to Oregon State Athletics' clear bag policy for specific information on bag restrictions. To speed entry into Gill, travel light.
  • Do NOT bring these items to Gill. Refer to Oregon State Athletics' approved items list for additional information.
    • Balloons – minimum fine of $150/balloon
    • Wrapped gifts
    • Alcohol/drugs
  • Please be advised, this is an athletics venue. Guest seating is not built for comfort.
  • This is a public event. Participants will likely be photographed/videoed.
  • There is a brief reception afterwards.
  • Empty water containers and unopened bottled water are permitted.
  • Dutch Brothers is at 661 SW 26th St., across from the Coliseum.
  • Parking is free in most lots except in metered/reserved parking spaces. Do not park in R1/R2 lots.
  • Please contact us at least two weeks in advance should you need any special accommodations.

International Guests

The Office of the Registrar can provide a Commencement Visa Letter to international students participating in the Commencement ceremony, in order for those students and/or their family members to obtain visas from their country's U.S. Embassy. The Commencement Visa Letter verifies the student's graduation status, ceremony date and attendance information, and a list of invited family members.

Remote video URL
Watch the 2024 EECS Graduation Celebration recording

For questions or event access assistance, contact Tina Batten,

Photography Notice: Photos may be taken at this event and potentially used in Oregon State University promotional materials. By attending this event, you consent to have your photo taken and allow Oregon State University and the College of Engineering to use these photographs.