The Coastal and Ocean Engineering program
The Coastal and Ocean Engineering program at Oregon State University is a leading center for research and education in coastal engineering and nearshore science. We have a critical mass of faculty and staff specializing in both physical/numerical modeling of coastal dynamics and also field observations. A short list of focus areas includes:
Nearshore hydrodynamics
Remote sensing of coastal areas
Turbulent sediment suspension and transport
Tsunami propagation and inundation
Wave-structure interaction
The Coastal and Ocean Engineering Program is also the home of the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory, one of the largest and technically most advanced laboratories for coastal research in the world. The ties between Coastal and Ocean Engineering and the WRL ensure that students will have access to state-of-the art facilities for research in coastal and ocean processes. In addition, since complex coastal problems require multidisciplinary solutions, Coastal and Ocean Engineering has ties to programs in the College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences (Marine Geology, Physical Oceanography), Geosciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
Coastal and Ocean Engineering faculty
Coastal and Ocean Engineering faculty maintain active research programs, our main funding agencies are the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, Oregon Sea Grant, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The faculty members concentrating in Coastal and Ocean Engineering and their research interests are summarized below:
Dan Cox
ProfessorCH2M Hill Professor in Civil Engineering Civil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean Research | Engineering Education
Merrick Haller
Civil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean ResearchPedro Lomonaco
Director, O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research
Civil and Construction Engineering | College of Engineering Coastal and Ocean ResearchTuba Ozkan-Haller
Dean of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesCivil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean Research
Bryson Robertson
Professor / Director, Pacific Marine Energy
Civil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean ResearchMeagan Wengrove
Assistant ProfessorJohn and Jean Loosley Faculty Fellow
Civil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean ResearchHarry Yeh, P.E. (CA)
Emeritus AppointmentCivil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean Research
Solomon Yim
ProfessorCivil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean Research | Structural Research
Learn more Coastal and Ocean research at CCE:
- Graduate student spotlight: Hailey Bond
- Alumni
- Video: Coastal Remote Sensing