Engineering Education research at Oregon State University focuses on understanding and improving student learning in engineering and better aligning engineering education with engineering practice.
Over the past several years, EngrEd faculty and graduate students have lead or participated in research identifying and addressing civil engineering student misconceptions, eye-tracking to understand critical aspects of engineering problems, comparison of experts and novices, social capital, and studies of engineering practice sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC), and the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) and the Washington Department of Transportation (WDOT). Graduates of the program are prepared to be leaders in the industry and have gone on to excel in positions in academia, government, and industry.

Shane Brown
Professor and Associate Head of Graduate AffairsCivil and Construction Engineering Transportation Research | Engineering Education

Dan Cox
ProfessorCH2M Hill Professor in Civil Engineering Civil and Construction Engineering Coastal and Ocean Research | Engineering Education

Matt Evans
ProfessorCivil and Construction Engineering | College of Engineering Geotechnical Research | Engineering Education

Judy Liu
ProfessorGlenn Willis Holcomb Professor in Structural Engineering Civil and Construction Engineering Structural Research | Engineering Education
Graduate Student Spotlight
- Dominga Sanchez
Examples of Oregon State CCE Research Papers, Presentations, and Projects
- S. Brown, Street, D., and Martin, J. P., "Engineering Student Social Capital in an Interactive Learning Environment.”, International Journal of Engineering Education , vol. 30, no. 4, 2014.
- D. Montfort, Herman, G., Brown, S., Matusovich, H., Streveler, R., and Adesope, O.,“Trans-Disciplinary Patterns in Student Conceptual Understanding in Engineering.”, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 31, pp. 1-18, 2015.
After the Oregon State CCE Graduate Progam
Following their time at Oregon State, our students are often recruited by leaders in academia, government, and industry in order to make a positive impact around the globe. Here are a couple of our most recent graduates and their current positions:
- Floraliza Bornasal, Assistant Professor, St. Martin’s University, Olympia, WA (PhD, 2015).
- Devlin Montfort, Assistant Professor, Oregon State University (PhD, 2011).