Getting to Corvallis

Flying: There are two commercial options: Portland International Airport (PDX), located 1.5 hours North of Corvallis and Eugene (EUG) located 45 minutes south of Corvallis.
Rental Cars: Are available from both PDX and EUG.
Shuttle Service: Groome Transportation service is available to and from Portland International Airport (PDX) and will take you directly to the OSU campus and hotels. Reservations are required and can be made online or by phone at (877) 693-3785.

Venue Information

Venue Address: CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon
Parking: Parking passes are required 7am to 5pm M-F and may be purchased on-site. For more
information visit the OSU parking website.
Walking: The venue is less than 1000 ft form the Hilton Garden.

Hotel Information

Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn, 2500 SW Western Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97333
Group Name: Nuclear Energy Scaling Workshop
Group Dates: 07/31/2023 – 08/03/2023
Book Online: Click here for Online Booking and Group Rate
Call in: Call 541-752-5000 and ask for a room under the “Nuclear Energy Scaling Workshop” Block
Last day to Book: 07/10/2023