Matt Evans
244 Owen Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Dr. Evans is an enthusiastic teacher with interests in both fundamental and applied topics. He teaches courses on topics such as granular mechanics, numerical methods, unsaturated soil mechanics, laboratory methods, and alternative energy.
Matt Evans joined Oregon State University in 2012 from the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University where he was an Assistant Professor from 2006-2012. Dr. Evans was a practicing engineer working on alternative approaches for waste encapsulation before pursuing his graduate degrees.
Dr. Evans’ research interests include granular mechanics, image analysis, numerical methods, and unsaturated soil mechanics, with applications to renewable energy, multiphysics problems, waste isolation, and sustainable infrastructure. His work is broadly multidisciplinary and has applications in fields such as materials handling, pharmaceuticals, biomechanical engineering, physics, and geology.