Developing sustainable engineering solutions for clean water and the protection of environmental and human health.
Bioremediation research conducted by the environmental engineering faculty involve the use of microorganisms to transform legacy and emerging contaminants to nontoxic products. Focus areas include aerobic cometabolism and anaerobic halorespiration of legacy contaminants, such as trichloroethene (TCE), and emerging contaminants, such as 1,4-dioxane. Advanced processes are being developed for sustainable and low cost in-situ and ex-situ treatment of contaminated groundwater and soil. Investigations over abroad range of scales are conducted that include laboratory kinetic studies with pure and enriched cultures to field scale demonstrations of advanced bioremediation technologies. Numerical models and novel molecular methods are also developed and applied to investigate bioremediation.
Processes for Clean and Sustainable Water
Development of effective and energy efficient processes and technologies for the creation of clean water, the recovery of nutrients and the generation of energy. The processes and technologies are grounded in biological, chemical and physical treatment concepts. Work focuses on drinking water, wastewater and stormwater treatment.
Emerging Contaminants
Our environmental engineering faculty and their research teams investigate the fate, transport and effects of emerging contaminants like perfluorinated or chlorinated compounds, nanomaterials, and micro-and nanoplastics. We work to develop remediation strategies to effectively remove contaminants from aquatic environments to mitigate their impacts on aquatic life and human health.
Environmental Health
Study of microbial communities in environmental reservoirs such as water, wastewater, and soil combined with indicators of human health such as fecal pathogens and hand hygiene. Culture and molecular-based techniques are applied to investigate disinfection technologies,as well as growth and persistence of pathogens and emerging contaminants.
Contaminant Fate and Transport
Analytical measurement and mathematical modeling of the processes governing pollutant transport and transformation in environmental systems. Work is performed at the lab, pilot and field scale focusing on both legacy pollutants and emerging contaminants.

Nick AuYeung
Associate ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Sustainable Energy

Zhenxing Feng
Associate ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Materials and Catalysis | Computation and Simulation | Water and Environment

Konstantinos Goulas
Assistant ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Materials and Catalysis | Computation and Simulation | Water and Environment

Stacey Harper
ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Materials and Catalysis | Health and Biotechnology | Water and Environment

Xue Jin
Assistant ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Membrane-Based Water Treatment Technology Research Laboratory | Materials and Catalysis | Health and Biotechnology | Water and Environment | Computation and Simulation

Goran Jovanovic
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Materials and Catalysis | Computation and Simulation | Health and Biotechnology | Water and Environment
Christine Kelly
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Engineering Education | Health and Biotechnology | Water and Environment
Kaichang Li
ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Materials and Catalysis | Health and Biotechnology | Water and Environment | Computation and Simulation

Yuanzhe Liang
Assistant ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Water and Environment | Materials and Catalysis | Sustainable Energy

Jeffrey Nason
School HeadChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Engineering Education | Materials and Catalysis | Water and Environment

Tala Navab-Daneshmand
Associate ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Water and Environment

Kathryn Newhart
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Water and Environment | Computation and Simulation | Engineering Education
Tyler Radniecki
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Water and Environment | Sustainable Energy | Health and Biotechnology
Gregory Rorrer
ProfessorChemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Sustainable Energy | Water and Environment | Materials and Catalysis | Health and Biotechnology | Engineering Education

Lewis Semprini
University Distinguished
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Materials and Catalysis | Health and Biotechnology | Water and Environment
Dorthe Wildenschild
ProfessorDeVaan Chair and Executive Director for Clean Water Technology Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Water and Environment | Sustainable Energy