HEST Faculty

Carolyn Fonyo Boggess — HEST 412/512
Director, Environmental Sciences Graduate Program
Email: boggessc@onid.orst.edu
Systems ecology, systems modeling and analysis, embodied energy (emergy) analysis, watershed assessment, sustainable design for the environment, and sustainable business.

Elain Fu — HEST 320
Associate Professor, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Email: elain.fu@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-1062
Investigation of molecular interactions and fluid transport in microfluidic systems, the development of tools and methods for use in high-performance microfluidic assays, and the implementation of microfluidic assays for clinically relevant analytes.

David Hill — HEST 411/511
Professor, Civil and Construction Engineering
Email: david.hill@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-4939
Experimental fluid mechanics, visual imaging techniques, wave mechanics and sediment transport, computational tidal modeling.

Nordica Maccarty — HEST 241, 541, 242, 444, 542, HEST/ANTH 201
Associate Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Richard and Gretchen Evans Scholar of Humanitarian Engineering
Email: nordica.maccarty@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-5927
Understanding the relationships between energy, society and the environment through integrating complex systems modeling, thermal fluid sciences, and engineering design

Kendra Sharp — HEST 310
Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Richard and Gretchen Evans Professor of Humanitarian Engineering
Email: kendra.sharp@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-5246
Engineering for global development, sustainable energy for the developing world, experimental fluid mechanics, and microfluidics for biological and energy applications.

Bryan Tilt — ANTH 482/582
Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Anthropology Department
Email: bryan.tilt@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-3896
Environmental anthropology, sustainable development, pollution, water resources, community participation, natural resources, fisheries management.

Jeff Walters — HEST 462/562
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
University of Washington - Tacoma
Email: jpwalt@uw.edu Office: 253-692-4330
Integration of theory and application of systems thinking and engineering for social justice.

Brian Wood — HEST 411/511
Professor, Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering
Email: brian.wood@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-9249
Description of mass, momentum, and energy transport in natural and engineered multiscale systems; subsurface hydrology; bioremediation and biochemical processes; water and wastewater treatment; and sustainable design and engineering. More ...

Shaozeng Zhang — HEST/ANTH 201
Assistant Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Anthropology Department
Email: shaozeng.zhang@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-3055
Science and Technology Studies (STS), ecological/environmental anthropology, applied anthropology, and research methodology
Affiliated Faculty

Jana Bouwma-Gearhart
Assistant Professor, College of Education
Email: jana.bouwma-gearhart@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-2206
Organizational change concerning STEM education at research universities.

J. Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: ecs@eecs.oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-8926
Cascading outages in power grids, complex systems and complex networks, chaos and nonlinear dynamics, big data and high performance computing, PMU-supported power system stability monitoring.

Rebekah Elliott
Associate Professor, College of Education
Email: elliottr@science.oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-1821
Professional education along the professional continuum.

Hannah Gosnell
Associate Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Email: gosnellh@geo.oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-1222
Drivers and consequences of rural land use change; water resource policy, management and law; climate change adaptation; environmental governance; social-ecological resiliency; adaptive management; payment for ecosystem services; sustainability transitions; transformational adaptation.

Perry Hystad
Assistant Professor, College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Email: perry.hystad@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-4829
Spatial exposure assessment methods to determine the chronic health effects associated with exposure to air pollution.

Todd Jarvis
Assistant Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Email: todd.jarvis@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-4032
Engineering geology, geography of groundwater, online dispute resolution.

Molly Kile
Assistant Professor, College of Public Health & Human Sciences
Email: Molly.Kile@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-1443
Environmental, molecular epidemiology and global health.

Kenneth Maes
Assistant Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Anthropology Department
Email: kenneth.maes@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-4465
Global health and development, primary health care, community health workers, health systems strengthening, food insecurity, water insecurity, mental health, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, religion, morality, and ritual.

Ben Mason
Assistant Professor, Civil and Construction Engineering
Email: ben.mason@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-2014
Natural hazards engineering, specifically: geotechnical earthquake engineering, including soil-structure interaction and residual soil liquefaction; coastal geotechnical engineering, including fluid-soil-structure interaction, momentary soil liquefaction, and tsunami-induced scour.

Tala Navab-Daneshmand
Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering
Email: tala.navab@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-0552
Inactivation, growth and persistence of bacterial pathogens in the environment and treatment processes.

Elizabeth Schroeder
Associate Professor, Economics
Email: liz.schroeder@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-1476
Applied microeconometrics and development.

John Selker
Professor, Biological & Ecological Engineering
Email: selkerj@engr.orst.edu Office: 541-737-6304
Hydraulic instrumentation, vadose zone hydrology, groundwater hydrology, stochastic Hydrology, hontaminant hransport.

James Sweeney
Professor, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Email: jim.sweeney@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-3769
Bio- and environmental sensors, bioelectricity, implanted medical devices, neuromuscular stimulation, and engineering education.

Desirée Tullos
Associate Professor, Biological & Ecological Engineering
Email: desiree.tullos@oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-2038
Ecohydraulics, river engineering and restoration, system analysis in water resources management, hydrodynamic modelling.

Jamon Van Den Hoek
Assistant Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Email: jvandenhoek@coas.oregonstate.edu Office: 541-737-1229
Understanding how changes in land cover pattern or land use vulnerability may result from or potentially contribute to the process of conflict at regional or national levels.