New Award

Setup Process and FAQs for New Award

Managing a Current Project

FAQs for Managing My Project

Requesting COE Project Manager Support

The Engineering Research Administration team has expanded our services to assist faculty with managing large, complex research projects. Our Research Program Coordinators become an integrated part of a research team, helping with project organization and providing high‐level support to the lead PI for day-to-day research project management needs.

Example services include:

  • Organizing and attending team and stakeholder meetings; tracking progress toward milestones, team decisions and next steps
  • Coordinating project administrative operations including hiring, subawards and fiscal management
  • Directing the preparation of required reports, gathering and synthesizing contributions from team members
  • Promoting the project and its accomplishments by developing outreach and marketing materials such as websites, newsletters and fact sheets

Read about additional services in this flyer.

Please contact us at to discuss your project needs, staff availability, and funding options.