Congratulations on your new funding award! We know you’re eager to get started on your project, but there are several steps that must be completed before you can start spending your new funds.

FAQs for New Award

No. Individual researchers are not authorized to sign anything on behalf of Oregon State University. Only designated staff in the Research Office have signature authority. The one exception is where a signature line specifies Principal Investigator. Our team can assist with getting OSU signatures.

We can help! Please forward all emails to and our team will work with you on a timely response to the sponsor.

OSRAA maintains an Award Status website that shows the status of all award agreements currently being processed internally. Check here first: This webpage is automatically updated each night. If you need more information, contact us.

COE implemented a new policy on 1/1/22 which requires separate subindexes for awards with multiple PIs/co-PIs, to facilitate research expenditure tracking per person. COE proposal support staff can assist with creating PI budget splits during proposal preparation or upon award.

Yes! To start the subaward process, complete a New Subaward Request Form for each subcontractor and submit to Your grant accountant can assist with the form. Note that subaward agreements cannot be created until an index is set up for the prime award to OSU. All subawards must be designated within the proposal and approved by the agency at the time of the award.

Contact the COE Research Administration team at We can answer most process questions and will direct you to the right person when needed.