
General Questions

What is the OSU academic progression policy and how does it differ from COE’s policy?

To stay in good standing with OSU, students must have both term and cumulative GPAs of 2.0 or above. There are no rules in regards to completion percentage. It is possible to be placed on COE warning, COE probation, or even COE suspension and remain in good standing within the university.

Why did the College of Engineering change from the pro-school model to the progression model?

The programs offered in COE are challenging from beginning to end. Over the years, the college has become increasingly concerned that some students were spending unnecessary time and money while earning their degrees. Of even more concern were students investing many terms and thousands of dollars, and in the end not earning the degree they were working toward.

Previous efforts to qualify students for admission to junior status in the engineering program through Pro School led to students being forced to repeat courses they had passed, in an attempt to raise their GPA to a specific value. Once admitted to the advanced coursework, student success was measured by a complex and somewhat obscure evaluation of student GPA. This system had the disadvantages of being hard to understand and communicate to students, as well as being time-intensive to administer each term.

The Progression Model aims to alleviate these concerns, and simplifies the evaluation of student success and academic standing within the College of Engineering. Additionally, for students in good standing with the College of Engineering, access to courses will be based only on the satisfactory completion of prerequisites. This model will save students time and money, increase flexibility in course planning, and generally benefit all College of Engineering students.

How do I calculate my completion percentage?

Your term completion percentage is calculated by dividing earned OSU credits for a term by attempted OSU credits for that term. Your cumulative completion percentage is calculated by dividing total OSU earned credits by total OSU attempted credits. Keep in mind that the COE academic progression policy only applied towards credits earned at OSU and not at any other institution.

What is the minimum grade required to earn credit?

Credit is earned at OSU for grades of D- or higher in OSU courses. However, the College of Engineering still requires a C or better in courses to apply towards degree requirements. If you earn between a D- and C- in a course, you will likely be required to retake this course to meet the College of Engineering minimum grade requirement. If you have any questions about this policy, please consult with your advisor.

How will withdrawing from a class impact my academic standing?

Withdrawals will count as attempted credits but not earned credits, and will therefore have negative impacts on your completion percentage.

Will students still have to have a “C” or better grade in all of their engineering-required courses?

Yes, all students must obtain a C or better in all courses required for majors in the College of Engineering.

How does this model affect students who are part-time or doing DPP?

Students will be evaluated as far as GPA and % completion only on the courses they take at OSU. Transfer or DPP courses will not factor into College of Engineering academic standing.

Changing majors to or from engineering?

Changes to an undergraduate student's current major or adding an additional major, concentration, or minor will go through advising staff, who will submit an online program change request through workflow to the Office of the Registrar.

Program change requests must be made by 5:00 PM on Friday of Week 2 to be effective in the current term. Requests made after Friday of Week 2 will be effective the following term.


Repeating Courses

How does retaking courses affect my GPA and completion percentage?

Taking an OSU course for a second time at OSU will replace the grade from the first attempt and permanently apply to your GPA. No subsequent attempts of these courses will count towards your GPA, even if further attempts are required to meet a requirement for your major.

Repeating a class will likely reduce your completion percentage, as repeated classes count as attempted credits but not earned credits. If you have questions about how repeating courses affect your completion percentage, please see your academic advisor.

If a course is taken at OSU and then attempted for a second time at another institution, this course will NOT replace your grade in your OSU GPA calculation or affect your OSU completion percentage, but this course will count towards your degree requirements. Students can retake courses beyond two attempts to fulfill major requirements, but the second attempt will always apply to the GPA calculation. All grades will appear on transcripts.

How does repeating courses affect my financial aid?

Please consult with the Financial Aid office resources on Repeating Courses regarding how your aid will be affected.

How does repeating courses affect my scholarships?

Please consult with the Scholarships office to understand how repeating courses will affect your scholarships.


Academic Warning

Why am I on academic warning?

If you have less than 24 OSU credit hours and have a cumulative or term GPA below 2.5 OR completed less than 65% of your credits in a term, you are placed on academic warning. If you have more than 24 OSU credit hours and have above a 2.5 cumulative GPA and overall 65% or above completion rate, but have a term GPA below 2.5 OR completed less than 65% of your credits, you are placed on academic warning.

What do I have to do to get my hold released?

You will be receiving an email with instructions for you to complete a survey addressing the previous term and a review of the College of Engineering academic standing procedures. Once you have completed the survey, you should contact your advisor and they will request that your hold be released.

How do I get back to good standing?

As long as you have a 2.5 or better term GPA (and above a 2.5 cumulative GPA) and complete 65% of your credits the next term, you will be back in good standing with both the College of Engineering and OSU.

Can I be suspended from COE after this term because I am currently on COE warning?

No, students currently on COE warning cannot be suspended following the current term. Students must currently be on probation with COE to be at risk for suspension from COE.

I did the warning survey but my hold has not yet been removed. Why?

If you have completed the warning survey but your hold has not been removed, please contact your advisor. Your advisor can help you check that the survey was completed and received properly and help you follow-up with COE, if necessary. Hold removal can take up to 48 hours, so please try to complete your survey in a timely manner.


Academic Probation

Why am I on academic probation?

Students who have attempted 24 or more OSU credits are placed on academic probation when they do not meet the standards of a 2.5 GPA and 65% completion rate of courses in a single term and do not meet either a 2.5 cumulative OSU GPA or 65% cumulative OSU completion rate.

What do I need to do to get my hold released?

You will be receiving an email with instructions to complete a survey addressing your performance in the previous term. Once you have completed the survey, you will meet with your academic advisor and use this information to develop an academic success agreement and discuss course planning to help you return to good standing.

How do I get back to good standing?

To be return to good standing, students must achieve an OSU cumulative completion rate of 65% or higher and cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. To avoid suspension, students must achieve an OSU term GPA above 2.5 and a term completion percentage above 65%.

What happens if I can’t get my cumulative GPA up to 2.5 or my completion rate up to 65% this term?

COE understands that sometimes it takes more than one term to improve your cumulative GPA and cumulative completion rate. While on probation, if you obtain a term GPA of at least 2.5 and a term completion rate of at least 65% you will not be suspended from COE. However, you will not return to good standing until both your cumulative GPA and completion rate are 2.5 and 65%, respectively.

I did the probation survey but my hold has not yet been released. Why?

Students on COE probation must meet with their academic advisor in addition to completing the probation survey. Your advisor will help you complete an academic success contract and discuss strategies and resources to help you be successful in courses. We highly recommend you meet with your advisor as early as possible in the term if you are on COE probation.


Academic Suspension

Why was I suspended from the College of Engineering?

Students on academic probation are suspended from the College of Engineering when they have an OSU term GPA below 2.5 or an OSU course completion rate below 65%.

What should I do now that I am suspended from COE?

Students suspended from COE should meet with advisors to consider other options for majors at OSU. Advisors in the University Exploratory Studies Program (UESP) can assist with major and career exploration and how other majors might align with your desired career.

How do I get back into my College of Engineering major?

Suspended students who wish to return to a College of Engineering major can return after suspension from the College of Engineering for a period of three terms or upon successful petition to the College of Engineering for an early reinstatement based on extenuating circumstances.

How do I petition for reinstatement?

All petitions for reinstatement must receive the approval of your academic advisor. We recommend you work with your advisor to complete the paperwork for the petition and discuss the type of petition for reinstatement you need. If you are petitioning based on extenuating circumstances, you should discuss with your advisor whether or not your circumstances are appropriate for an exception based on extenuating circumstances.

Will my COE suspension be on my transcript?

Your transcript will not include language regarding a suspension from COE. However, while your COE suspension will not appear on your transcript, your transcript will reflect the change of major to UESP.

Can I come back to COE if I left on warning or probation?

Yes. Students who change their major outside of COE will be eligible to come back into COE. Upon return to COE, students will retain the academic standing with which they left. So, a student who leaves on probation will return on probation.

I have been suspended for three terms and now I want to come back to COE. What do i need to do?

While students who have been suspended for three terms are eligible for reinstatement, reinstatement to COE is not automatic. Students wishing to return under the three-term policy should meet with an academic advisor to complete the reinstatement paperwork and obtain support from their advisor.
