Please contact the lab principal investigator for information on how to apply for these positions

  • Highly motivated students needed for PhD level graduate work on critical systems thinking in continuous process improvement. Work will involve close collaboration with a large aerospace metals manufacturing company and will center on the dynamics of continuous improvement processes and methodologies. For those interested in doctoral work (must have MS), contact the lead of CaRSEM, Dr. Javier Calvo-Amodio. Use the following heading on the email: “Interested in Continuous Improvement PhD GRA.”
  • Highly motivated students needed for PhD level graduate work on designing and validating novel implantable mechanisms for orthopedic surgery. Work will be at the intersection of biomechanics, design, experimental testing in cadaver and live animals. For those interested, contact PI Dr. Ravi Balasubramanian.  Include the following in the email subject: "Responding to ad."