Picture of MIME Formula racing team.

The School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering offers unique opportunities for developing a global engineering skill set:

Atlantis Bachelor Program: International Double Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

The OSU Materials Science Program has entered into a unique agreement with Saarlandes University (Saarbrucken, Germany) to offer a unique double bachelors degree program focused on creating a new kind of engineer with a global perspective that will enable them to operate in the complex multinational workplace of the future.

The unique format of the program allows for U.S. students to spend just over one year in Germany, studying at Saarlandes. European students will also travel to the U.S. to complete their Senior year at Oregon State. Students who complete the program will receive two bachelors degrees, a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from OSU and a B.S. in Materials Science from Saarlandes University.

Atlantis Bachelor Program information.

Humanitarian Engineering (HEST)

The Humanitarian Engineering Program at Oregon State seeks to cultivate science and engineering-based solutions that provide access to basic human needs, enhance quality of life, and advance the level of community resilience in the local and global community. We offer both undergraduate and graduate opportunities at Oregon State, including: an undergraduate humanitarian engineering minor; graduate fellowships, dedicated coursework in humanitarian engineering, science and technology (HEST); Capstone Design projects, research opportunities and more.

For more information, visit the HEST website.

Global Formula Racing

Global Formula Racing (GFR) is the first global collaboration of its kind in the history of U.S. and EU student Formula racing. SIx thousand miles and nine time zones apart, students at OSU and Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg-Ravensburg in Germany jointly design, build, and test two racing vehicles (combustion and electric), one at each school. In 2010, 2011, and 2012, GFR prevailed in the Michigan FSAE competition, qualifying them as back-to-back-to-back national champions. They also logged numerous wins on the European circuit.

For more information, visit the GFR Website – and be sure to watch the Relentless documentary about our champion racing team. 

And There's More!

MIME students interested in work and travel abroad should look into the Oregon University System's IE3 Global Internships program and other opportunities described on the College of Engineering's International Study page. Participation in the Oregon State Student Chapter of Engineers without Borders is also an excellent way to gain global engineering exposure and experience.