Center for Applied Systems and Software (CASS): is a non-profit organization that provides software development, testing and hosting solutions to clients while giving students hands-on industry experience. Students are given the opportunity and guidance to work with real-world clients and to see projects from start to finish. CASS prides itself in offering quality services to customers while providing a beneficial experience for our students.
Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits: CDADIC is one of the few research consortiums in the country that addresses problems associated with analog, RF and mixed-signal research. Analog, RF, and mixed-mode integrated circuit devices have important applications in many fields including communications, sensing, transportation, avionics and space technology, and medical technology.
Center for Quantitative Life Sciences: The Center for Quantitative Life Sciences facilitates genome-enabled and data-driven research in the life and environmental sciences at OSU and across the state. The Center offers leadership, training and services to faculty, staff and students through expert staff, core laboratories, computational facilities, seminars and technology workshops, and conferences.
Center for Research in Engineering Education Online: CREEdO provides a community for engineering education research that is happening throughout the College of Engineering and leverages that expertise to advance online learning. This is a partnership with Ecampus that provides an opportunity to cover the full spectrum, from fundamental research to demonstration to full deployment.
Collaborative Robotics and Intelligence (CoRIS) Institute: The CoRIS Institute, consisting of 25 interdisciplinary faculty researchers, seeks to advance the theory, design, development, and deployment of robots and intelligence systems while exploring related public policy and ethical questions.
FAA ASSURE: Twenty-five of the world's leading research institutions and more than a hundred leading industry and government partners comprise the Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence, or ASSURE. ASSURE possesses the expertise, infrastructure and outstanding track record of success that the FAA Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aircraft Systems demands.
Materials Synthesis and Characterization Facility: MASC is a comprehensive resource that serves as both an open user facility and an innovation center. MASC faculty and staff provide deep experience in thin-film deposition, device fabrication, and materials analysis, serving as a hub for materials and device development on the Oregon State University campus.
Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering: NACSE applies new technologies to the needs of scientists, engineers, and natural resource managers. They design, implement, and deploy large-scale software systems that integrate complex data from diverse sources to enable science-based decision-making.
Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute: ONAMI is Oregon’s first Signature Research Center. A deep collaboration among Oregon universities, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, industry, and the investment community, ONAMI accelerates research and commercialization of materials science and related device and system technologies in Oregon.
Oregon Research and Teaching Security Operations Center: ORTSOC is working to build a world-class Security Operations Center to train the next generation of cybersecurity professionals while providing cybersecurity services to OSU and other institutions within the region.
Northwest Nanotechnology Infrastructure: The Northwest Nanotechnology Infrastructure site is a collaboration between the University of Washington and Oregon State University and is part of the National Science Foundation – National Nanotechnology Coordinated infrastructure. The NNI site specializes in world class nanotechnology infrastructure paired with technical and educational leadership in integrated photonics, advanced energy materials and devices, and bio-nano interfaces and systems; for a broad and diverse user base, its facilities act as a center for innovation for making, measuring, modeling, and mentoring to advance the use of nanotechnology in science and society.
Pacific Marine Energy Center: PMEC is a consortium of universities focused on the responsible advancement of marine energy, including wave, tidal, riverine, and offshore wind resources. Researchers from the Oregon State University, University of Washington, and University of Alaska Fairbanks work closely with marine energy technology developers, academic and National Laboratory researchers, coastal community members, ocean users, federal and state regulators, and other government officials to address key challenges in the sector and accelerate its emergence.
Pervasive Personalized Intelligence Center: The PPI Center is a multi-university partnership between the University of Colorado Boulder and Oregon State University. The industry-focused research center operates under the supervision of the National Science Foundation using the Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers model. It supports the next big growth in Internet of Things systems that pushes PPI to the edge of the network, where latency is critical, and mobility, privacy, and context awareness are essential qualities to enable an entirely new class of applications with intelligence that is predictive instead of reactive.