You can determine when you are allowed to register each term by logging into Online Student Services, or you can view the full Priority Registration Dates Table. Additional OSU policy information is located in the Undergraduate Catalog, under Academic Regulations.

Weeks 1 – 2

Adding Courses

  • Week 1: Use the standard registration system.
  • Week 2: Obtain Instructor Permission – for College of Engineering courses, use the College of Engineering Override Form. For other courses, check with the offering department.

Dropping Courses

  • Drop courses using the standard registration system, no grade will be recorded
  • Failure to drop a course properly will result in an F grade being recorded if you do not complete the course requirements.

Weeks 3 – 7

Deadline to Withdraw from Courses

  • If dropped during weeks 3-7, a W grade will be recorded on your transcript.
  • W grades do not affect your GPA

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading Deadline

  • To receive an S, pass the course with a C- or better; all grades below C- receive a U.
  • S/U grading is an option for non-major-specific courses only. (All EECS required courses must be taken for a letter grade.)
  • S/U grading should NOT be substituted for withdrawing from a course if you do not expect to earn a C- or above.

Weeks 5 – 7

Meet with an Advisor for next term’s registration information.

Weeks 8 – 10

Withdraw from University

  • Withdraw from university = receive a W in all of your courses
  • No need to reapply to OSU to continue the following term
  • Withdraw from the University any time prior to 5pm of the Friday before finals week.
  • In emergency situations with evidence (serious illness, accident, death of a family member) within the last 4 weeks of the term, you may withdraw from the University with incomplete “I” grades in all classes.

Register for Next Term

  • Priority registration begins Week 8.

Week 10 – “Dead Week”:

  • The week before finals – no major exams are given.