Post a Job or Internship

Recruiting Current Students

Through the Oregon State University Career Development Center, you can post openings using Handshake - a free employment/internship posting app. If you are a new user or have any questions about Handshake, contact the Career Development Center.

Share Job Announcements with OSU EECS Alums

To post a job with EECS alums, you have a few options. We reccomend using all venues to connect with the widest audience. Postings are free.

  1. Post your job/internship announcement via Handshake. If you have any questions about setting up an account on Handshake, contact the Career Development Center.
  2. Post job announcements on our EECS alumni group on LinkedIn. To post an opening, ask an alum to post the opening for you. (Sorry, this is an alum only group – no direct posts.)

Looking to Connect with More Potential Hires?

Explore other events and programs designed to help you engage with EECS majors. Visit our EECS Student Engagement website.