Start taking classes for your graduate degree while still completing your undergraduate studies!
The Accelerated Master’s Platform (AMP) allows undergraduate students to:
- Apply to a graduate program during their undergraduate studies.
- Seamlessly transition into a master’s program after graduation.
- Choose from M.S. or MEng degree options.
Benefits of AMP
- Gain early acceptance into a graduate program without reapplying later.
- Transfer up to 22 credits of 500-600 level coursework that count towards both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
- Pay undergraduate tuition rates for graduate-level courses (excludes Ecampus courses, charged graduate tuition costs).
General AMP Admission Requirements
- Completion of 105 credits towards an undergraduate degree program.
- Minimum 3.25 GPA in the current degree program.
- 3 major specific courses (CS or ECE) listed below with “B” grade or higher.

Additional Requirements by Degree
M.S. AMP (MS degree 45 credits to complete + thesis or non-thesis project)
- Requires approval from an EECS faculty member who will serve as the student’s faculty advisor during graduate studies.
- Explore faculty research areas in the EECS Areas of Research.
MEng AMP (MEng degree 45 credits of technical courses work to complete)
- Does not require professor approval.
- MEng applicants are accepted with the general AMP requirements.
Computer Science MEng AMP Required Courses
Choose three courses from the following:
- CS 325
- CS 271
- ECE 375
- CS 472
- CS 344 or CS 374
- CS 444 or 474
- CS 321
- CS 381
- CS 480
Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng AMP Required Courses
Choose three courses from the following:
- ECE 322
- ECE 323
- ECE 351
- ECE 352
- ECE 390
- ECE 431 (or any 300-400 level ECE energy elective)
- ECE 375
- ECE 473
- ECE/CS 472
- ECE 416 (or any 300-400 level ECE materials and devices elective)
Admission Process:
- Apply during fall, winter, or spring term.
- Schedule an advising appointment with the EECS graduate advisor to receive an application code. Have MyDegrees planner updated through graduation before meeting.
Degrees Offered:
- MEng in Computer Science (Masters of Engineering)
- M.S. in Computer Science (Masters of Science)
- MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Masters of Engineering)
- M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Masters of Science)
- M.S. in Artificial Intelligence (Masters of Science)
Application Deadlines:
- Fall Term: June 30th
- Winter Term: September 30th
- Spring Term: December 31st
*Note we can late accept students for AMP
For more information please contact:

Joy King, EECS Graduate Advisor
Schedule an appointment
Email Joy Phone: 541-737-7626
Zoom meeting link