Accelerated Master's Platform

Get started on a graduate degree while still an undergraduate! The Accelerated Master’s Platform allows undergraduate students to apply to a graduate program and, if accepted, matriculate into the master’s program after graduation. Students can apply for M.S. or MEng degrees.

Benefits of AMP

  • Get accepted now into graduate program without having to reapply
  • Transfer up to 22 credits of 500-600 level course work that counts towards undergraduate degree and graduate degree
  • Pay undergraduate tuition for graduate level credits in AMP (excludes Ecampus courses)

General AMP Admission Requirements

  • Completion of 105 credits toward undergraduate degree program
  • A minimum of 3.25 GPA in current degree
Students in a lab

Additional Requirements for M.S. AMP

  • M.S. AMP requires an EECS faculty member to approve the applicant and will be student's faculty advisor when they start graduate school. Review faculty listed in the EECS Areas of Research.

Additional Requirements for MEng AMP

MEng students do not work with a faculty advisor, but will need specific courses with “B” grade or higher.

Computer science MEng AMP applicants must complete three courses below with a “B” grade or higher.

  • CS 325
  • CS 271
  • ECE 375
  • CS 472
  • CS 344 or CS 374
  • CS 444
  • CS 321
  • CS 381
  • CS 480

Electrical and computer engineering MEng AMP applicants must complete three courses below with a “B” grade or higher.

  • ECE 322
  • ECE 323
  • ECE 351
  • ECE 352
  • ECE 390
  • ECE 431 or any 300-400 level ECE energy elective
  • ECE 375
  • ECE 473
  • ECE/CS 472
  • ECE 416 or any 300-400 level ECE materials and devices elective

Admission Process:

  • Apply fall, winter, or spring term
  • Schedule an advising appointment with EECS graduate advisor to receive an application code

Degrees Offered:

  • MEng in computer science
  • M.S. in computer science
  • MEng in electrical and computer engineering
  • M.S. in in electrical and computer engineering
  • M.S. in artificial intelligence

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall term: June 30
  • Winter term: September 30
  • Spring term: December 31

For more information please contact:

Portrait of Joy King.

Joy King, EECS Graduate Advisor
Schedule an appointment
Email Joy   Phone: 541-737-7626
Zoom meeting link