We recommend at least 2 people. But you can bring as many as you like. This is a virtual event.

Students majoring in the following areas are encouraged to attend:

  • Computer Science
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

This networking event offers informal time to connect with the students. Each company will give a brief, 60-second introduction of their company. This is followed by four break-out sessions where you'll meet with smaller groups of students who have signed up to learn more about your organization. We plan to use Zoom as our platform.

The students pick the companies they will meet with at registration. Occasionally, students who cannot be placed with their first-choice company may be assigned to another group.

Expect to meet with four groups of students during the evening.

We recommend budgeting half of your time for sharing about your company and the other half for connecting with students. The primary goal is for students to gain information that will help them learn about their employment (and internship) options and make informed decisions.

Usually in about 2 business days.

  • A 60-second video intro that shares: 1) what your company does/makes, 2) where it's located, 3) why it's fabulous!
  • Social media sites you'd like included.
  • Relevant job/internship postings.
  • Here's a example

Each company representative registered will receive a schedule with links. You can find a tentative schedule here: industry schedule

You will have 4 virtual sessions. Each session has its own link that will be emailed out just prior to the event. We will also have a link for "technical support".

After you join your virtual session, you will be greeted by an OSU rep who will make you a co-host. The rest of the time is yours.

Yes. Please avoid video presentations. We recommend you devote at least half of your session to engaging the students. 

To see the other industry members who have registered, click on the Virtual Booths link.

No. Students sign up ahead of time - so they will receive their own personalized set of links to login to the event with. If something goes awry, the OSU host is there to manage things for you so you can focus on the students.

A space has already been reserved for your company and you will receive a resume book, but each representative attending the event must register. To register, click on the Company Registration link.

When filling out your Company Registration, add the extra representative's names/contact info to the comments section. If you register, and then later discover you need to have an alternate representative at the event, email the person's contact information to Tina Batten so we can update your registration. 

Visit the Career Development Center website. You can register for the fair on Handshake.

Business casual.

The primary goal here is to share information with the students that will help them learn about their employment (and internship) options and make informed decisions. As you think about your discussion angles you may want to consider:

  • Share general information about your organization. What do the students know about your company?
  • How would you describe your company's culture?
  • How big is your organization?
  • If your organization is not in Oregon, describe what your region is like. 
  • What kinds of engineers/scientists do you hire within your organization and what do those employees do?
  • If your organization has multiple sites (in different geographic locations), what are the opportunities and expectations for employee transfers among sites?
  • Describe the benefits of joining your company.
  • Tell students what your organization looks for in a prospective recruit.
  • What general pointers can you give the students for interviewing? What kinds of questions should they ask employers, etc.
  • What kind of background or experience do you look for from new college grads or in intern candidates?
  • Are you hiring? What job openings or internships do you have and how do people apply?
  • Give the students advice on creating an effective resume and interviewing tips.
  • Share with them advice you wish someone had shared with you when you were a student.
  • If a student is interested in your company, what should they do next?

See our Industry Events Calendar for opportunities to meet our EECS students. If you would like, we would love to help you build a student engagement plan that makes sense for your company. Reach out to EECS Corporate Relations to learn more.

We run the whole event on Zoom - so the event is just like our every-day lives jumping from meeting to meeting. 

Our event is just for electrical engineering and computer science students. Our sister schools in the College of Engineering etc. have a similar event should you need other engineering talent (e.g. mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, etc.) Information about that event is available on Handshake, or email Josefine Fleetwood <josefine.fleetwood@oregonstate.edu> or Lanell Nolf <lanell.nolf@oregonstate.edu>.

Employers can have a quick video. 30-second videos are super easy. Say your name, your organization, what kinds of roles you hire, and why your organization is fabulous. The video intro is helpful but not mandatory. Some employers opt for a video from their corporate offices. Those videos can be a little longer

You’ll receive calendar requests with your Zoom links to the individual sessions. Like our regular working day, this will mean hopping every ~30 minutes to the next call. The students who sign up will join you in the Zoom. All the Zooms are hosted by an OSU faculty/staff who can assist if you run into problems. You can have as many people on the call from your office as you like. While not mandated, Zoom permits cameras and chat

Using the info you supply on your registration form, we'll build a virtual booth for the students.

Here's an example.

A little closer to the time of the event, we'll send you a series of calendar requests with Zoom links. The first session is the time devoted to welcomes from our leadership and 30-second intros from the companies attending.

After that you'll have 4 small group sessions with the students. During these sessions, companies usually use a PowerPoint slide or two to introduce their company and then engage the students in an interactive conversation for 15-20 minutes. We'll have a "Zoom room host" there to help keep track of time so you can make it from appointment to appointment.