Virtual Fall EECS Networking Event - Company Information

Large group of people taking to each other

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This page is for our October EECS Networking Day. If you are looking for our February EECS Networking Night, click here.

You’re invited

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University invites industry to meet our students on a special day - EECS Networking Day! Employers take center stage during this virtual event, happening Oct. 11, 2024, noon - 2:00 p.m. Pre-registration required.

The event will be held online via Zoom.

EECS Networking Day is a targeted student engagement opportunity. Both computer science  and electrical and computer engineering  majors from all levels (freshmen - Ph.D.) are invited, creating a broad audience.

A tremendous opportunity

At the event, our industry guests are invited to:

  • Pitch your company to the student audience during our Employer Intro Lightning Round.
  • Meet students during four break-out sessions. Each session is approximately 20 minutes.
  • Connect with students, sharing an overview of your organization, culture, values, roles you hire for, your cool technology, etc. See our Company FAQ for a list of ideas.
  • Engage ECE/CS students from a variety of levels. Most are undergraduates. Master's and Ph.D. students are also invited.

Register me!

Advanced Registration is required. Registration closes September 1st or when we reach capacity. We will begin building your virtual booth after you register.

  • Organizations are asked to contribute $200. Small business/government rate is $100.
  • To make arrangements via credit card contact us. 
  • INSPiRE Event SponsorsYour company already has space reserved, but you must register.

Career Fairs

The Oregon State STEM Career Fair is a separate event - which we also encourage you to attend. Career Fairs are organized by Oregon State's Career Development Center. Registration is on Handshake. If you do not have a Handshake account, visit for details.

We look forward to seeing you at EECS Networking Day!