ME, IE and MatSci graduate students may pursue a graduate option in Advanced Manufacturing and must complete coursework as follows:

  I. This course

MFGE 507 Seminar: Advanced Manufacturing  (1)

(Advanced Manufacturing students enroll in MFGE 507 each term, but a maximum of one credit of MFGE 507 may be used on a student's program of study.)

  II. One or more Materials Science course*

MATS 555 Experimental Techniques in Materials Science  (4)

MATS 570 Structural Property Relations in Materials (4)

ME 580 Materials Selection (3)

MATS 588 Computational Methods in Materials Science (4)

  III. One or more Systems course*

IE 552 Design of Industrial Experiments (3)

ME 597 Precision Motion Generation (4)

MFGE 535 Industrial Sustainability Analysis (3)

MFGE 536 Lean Manufacturing Systems Engineering (4)

MFGE 599 ST/Sensor Design for Manufacturing (4)

  IV. One or more Processes course*

MFGE 531 Micromanufacturing (4)

MFGE 538 Composites Manufacturing (4)

MFGE 551 Additive Manufacturing (3)

MFGE 525 Computational Modeling for Advanced Manufacturing (4)

* In addition to the MfgE 507 Advanced Manufacturing Seminar, students must complete four or more of the above courses.

Please refer to the OSU Catalog and the MIME Proposed Graduate Level Courses for additional courses that are offered by MIME and other relevant programs. For graduate student programs of study, only courses taken at the 500-level or above may be used, and no more than 49 percent of the 500-level courses may be taken as “slash” courses.

The OSU Catalog is the official source for all major, minor, and option requirements. The information provided here is for planning purposes only, as new coursework is often approved in advance of full approval in the OSU Catalog.