The MEng is a coursework-only master's degree of 45 credits based on curricula that allow graduate students to efficiently focus on the academic courses that are most relevant to their professional objectives. Each student works with a committee and undergoes a final oral examination.

Students pursuing the MEng degree are typically not eligible for Graduate Assistantships but may apply for scholarships

Academic Regulations

Program Standards: The student’s MEng program of study shall be designed to develop a degree of competence in the major area significantly higher than the customary baccalaureate education, and shall include background and adjunct knowledge normally expected of a person entering the professional practice of that specialty. To aid in assuring high standards, the major shall include not less than 15 credit hours of 500-level, non-blanket, CCE courses. (Note: Blanket courses are those numbered 501, 505, 506, and 507.)

Final Oral Exam: The Final Examination for the MEng degree consists of an oral examination conducted by the three members of the student’s MEng Committee. The oral exam should be a maximum of one hour duration and may be in the form of a traditional technical exam or a Portfolio Presentation. The topic of the exam is to be decided by the Committee and communicated to the student well in advance of the exam. This exam should take place during the last term of the student’s MEng program. There is no written exam component for the MEng Final Examination. MEng students can complete the ENGR 520 and ENGR 521 portfolio courses (structural students must complete oral exam).

Blanket Course Limitation: Blanket courses are those numbered 501, 505, 506, and 507. The maximum number of blanket course credits allowed in an MEng degree is 6 credits. Other blanket course credits may be allowed in a Master’s degree program of study, such as CE 505 – Reading and Conference or CE 501 – Research, based on a Statement of Purpose included with the student’s program of study and approval of the student’s graduate committee.

Non-engineers in MEng Degree Programs: Admission of non-engineering baccalaureate degree holders to MEng degree programs in CCE is only permitted when the student has completed those engineering requirements for the BS degree that are considered prerequisite for entry into the chosen area of graduate study. Hence, the student generally is held in a post-baccalaureate status until the prerequisite requirements are reconfirmed by the student and major professor (or graduate advisor) and any further remedial coursework is promptly taken once the focus and content of the student’s program of study is determined and approved.

CCE Graduate Seminar: Students pursuing the MEng degree are required to take the CCE Graduate Seminar (CE 507) once during the fall term in which they matriculate into our program.


Selection of Major Professor: It is important that the student work with a major professor whose program, research, and professional interests lie in the same area as the student’s. In view of this, students are given a short period of time on campus before a major professor is selected. The assignment of a major professor will be by mutual agreement among the faculty member, the student, and the School of CCE. Normally, MEng students will arrange for a major professor and for the members of their graduate committee by the end of their second term in residence at OSU. Possible majors for the MEng degree include the following:

Forming a Graduate Committee: Each student must form a graduate committee which will oversee and approve the student’s graduate program of study. Committee members should be selected based on mutual agreement between the student and major professor. The committee must have at least three members: two members from the student’s area of study including the major professor; and an outside member chosen based on the relevance to the student’s coursework. A Graduate Council Representative is not required on the committee. The committee should be formed in time to review the student’s program of study.

Best practices for Graduate Thesis Committee formation: 

  • Avoid conflict of interests: No members of graduate committees should be supervisors of another committee member (either current supervisor or a supervisor within the previous 5 years). This is intended to apply to postdoc and research associates. It is not intended to eliminate the school head from graduate committees nor former students who now hold tenure-track positions elsewhere.
  • Oversight from the area of concentration: At least two members should be tenured/tenure-track CCE faculty from or affiliated with the student’s area of concentration (view faculty by area of concentration).
  • External committee members: CCE best practice is a maximum of one committee member from outside of OSU. 

Review and Filing of Program of Study: Students should submit their official program of study with the Graduate School and CCE by the end of their second term in residence at OSU. Students who do not file a program of study within the specified deadline specified by the Graduate School for their degree will not be allowed to register for the next term. A registration hold will also be placed on graduate students whose programs of study are not approved after initial evaluation by the Graduate School.

Graduate program of study forms can be found on the Graduate School website. This completed form must be reviewed and approved by the CCE Graduate Committee for compliance with CCE requirements prior to submittal to the Graduate School.

See Master's Degree Progress Flow Chart here (pdf).

Exam Scheduling Form: You must schedule all examinations required by the Graduate School using the Exam Scheduling Form. You must submit this form at least one week prior to a doctoral preliminary exam or a master's final exam, and two weeks prior to a doctoral final exam. You are responsible for:

  • Informing the Graduate School of the date, time, and place of each exam
  • Confirming the committee membership
  • Notifying and reminding the committee of the exam date, time, and place

In addition, a CCE MEng Degree Checklist must be completed and submitted to the CCE Committee along with the program of study.