Undergraduate and graduate student resources available at Oregon State University.

Academic Resources

  • Academic Success Center
    • The Academic Success Center (ASC) creates opportunities for students to learn how to learn throughout their academic careers. Our services support students as they practice skills and habits for academic success, learn with and from their peers, and reflect on their ongoing development as scholars. Through partnerships with OSU faculty and staff, our work promotes a university culture that responds to students’ needs and affirms each student’s ability to achieve their goals.
  • College of Engineering Tutoring
    • The College of Engineering offers free tutoring for all engineering students in a broad range of subjects including chemistry, math, computer science, physics, and more.
  • Educational Opportunities Program
    • EOP provides support to undergraduate domestic students attending classes on OSU's main campus from historically underrepresented backgrounds. EOP provides the following services:
      • assistance through the admissions process
      • assistance in locating financial resources
      • orientation to the University
      • academic and personal counseling
      • courses to help review or fill in gaps in math, reading, and writing
      • assistance with finding jobs and internships, writing resumes and cover letters
  • Disability Access Services
    • Disability Access Services facilitates access to University programs and services through accommodations, education, consultation, and advocacy.
    • OSU LSAMP seeks to integrate underrepresented students into the academic life at Oregon State and provides them with financial, academic, social, and professional support in a coordinated effort to help them achieve their academic and professional goals. 
  • STEM Leaders
    • The OSU STEM Leaders Program is designed to increase the diversity and success of undergraduates in STEM fields at OSU. This is accomplished through an orientation course, cohort-based workshops, peer mentoring with upper division STEM students, and faculty-mentored undergraduate research experiences for freshmen and transfer students.
  • College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
    • CAMP supports eligible migrant and seasonal farm workers and their children by helping them to enroll in and complete their first year of college. CAMP also focuses on increasing the persistence of CAMP students during their second year in college and achievement of post-secondary degree.

Experiential Resources

  • Undergraduate research 
    • The College of Engineering values the importance of undergraduate research and seeks to help students and faculty connect in their research, so it is a professional and relevant experience that positively impacts everyone.
  • OSU Student Group
    • Student Leadership & Involvement supports hundreds of student clubs and organizations.
  • Engineering Student Council (ESC)
    • The Engineering Student Council supports College of Engineering students by connecting them to campus and COE resources, hosting social and professional development events, advocating for diversity & inclusion in student relations, supporting 50+ engineering student organizations through funding, collaboration, and more. 
  • OSU Go - Study Abroad
    • The OSU Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) administers, promotes, and advises OSU students, faculty, and staff on opportunities related to the International Degree program, study abroad, international internships and service learning, and education abroad scholarships and fellowships.
  • Engineering Leadership Academy
    • The Leadership Academy is an innovative program developed and delivered with the involvement and support of key industry partners. The Academy accelerates engineering students' development as EP2IC leaders; increasing graduates' competitiveness for employment and success as early career professionals.
  • Diversity & Cultural Engagement’s Cultural Centers
    • The Cultural Centers fosters an inclusive community at OSU that is committed to social justice and liberation for all people, regardless of racial/ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, age, and/or physical abilities. We also coordinate safe environments in which students can share their multiple identities and learn about issues of culture, heritage, history, identity, and self-expression in an atmosphere of positive engagement and mutual respect.

Financial Resources

  • Financial Aid Office
    • The Office of Financial Aid welcomes the opportunity to financially assist you with making your dreams of a quality education come true.
  • Human Services Resource Center
    • HSRC is a one-stop office, with a suite of supportive resources for homeless and food-insecure students. Today, in addition to the food pantry and Food Assistance programs like Mealbux, they are most well-known on campus for our Textbook Lending Program and assistance for those in housing crisis. 
  • Undocumented or DACAmented students
    • Information about resources, support, and information for undocumented and DACAmented students at OSU.


  • OSU ScholarDollar
    • Oregon State University's online scholarship search and application portal! Starting November 1st, OSU students may use OSU ScholarDollars to submit an application for the nearly $50 million in campus-based scholarship funding available for the 2019-2020 academic year.  By submitting one application, you will be considered for over 1,600 OSU scholarship opportunities!
  • Center for Diversity & Inclusion
    • Karena Dokken Mentor Award - Named after Karena Dokken, it is granted once a year to a student who has served as an exemplary mentor to other students in engineering. 
    • Image
      Karena Dokken
       About this award: Karena Dokken was a senior in Mechanical Engineering program at OSU. She was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma (a bone and soft tissue cancer) in December 2008 and she immediately started chemotherapy and radiation treatment, which continued for her remaining 14 months. She took a one term break from school at OSU and then took classes online during spring term 2009. Nearing the end of her treatment, she returned to OSU full-time in fall 2009. She endured many physical setbacks from cancer recurrence during the terms. Karena attended classes to the very end; regardless of the cane, oxygen tank or wheelchair she needed to get to class. Realizing her time was limited, she set multiple travel destinations to fit in between her classes. December 2009 took her to New York City and in January she spent time with friends at the Oregon coast and then a trip to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. The day after her 23rd birthday in February she left for Maui with her parents. All of the trips were hampered by medical issues but she preserved and created many wonderful memories for her family and friends. She was able to get home to Salem from Maui where she immediately was taken to the hospital and died the next afternoon.

      • Family, friends and the OSU community held a wonderful celebration of Karena's life in the Kelley Engineering building on February 20, 1010. Karena was also an accomplished clarinet performer and the OSU Wind Ensemble played in her honor.

        Karena was an amazing force in the OSU Engineering Department. She served as an Engineering Ambassador for multiple years, returning to her own high school frequently to extol the virtues of OSU Engineering Programs. Her most significant contribution was the creation of the mentoring program for women engineers in 2007. Her program, starting from an idea for a class project has developed into a successful support system for OSU women engineers. In order to continue to keep Karena's dream alive, a memorial scholarship fund has been established to benefit the student leading the mentors and mentees program.

Other Scholarships

  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
    • SWE administers over 70 scholarships a year to women pursuing an engineering or computer science degree. See web page for more information.
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
    • NSBE provides various scholarships to members through NSBE and Corporate Scholarship Programs. Individual scholarships range in value from $500 to $5,000
  • Society of  Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
    • SHPE scholarships are designed to support Hispanics who pursue careers in engineering, mathematics, and science
  • Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
    • The SACNAS Opportunities Board is a resource hub to alert the community to opportunities for internships, scholarships, pre-doctoral fellowships, awards, conferences, trainings, and more.
  • National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
    • NACME’s scholarship program for underrepresented minorities serves as a catalyst to increase the proportion of Black/African American, Native/American Indian, and Latinx/Hispanic American young women and men in STEM careers.
  • Zonta Rusnak Scholarship
    • This  scholarship is reserved for female students focused on a career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, and offers $1000 per quarter ($3,000) to help cover tuition, fees, books, and supplies charged to a recipient's account at either Linn Benton Community College or Oregon State University.  
  • This student resource page from Tufts University lists scholarships and fellowships for non-traditional and underrepresented students in multiple disciplines (not just engineering).

Reporting Resources

  • Bias incident
    • The Reported Bias Incident Response Protocol provides a process to comprehensively, collaboratively, and consistently address bias incidents that affect Oregon State University students, faculty, and staff.
  • Sexual Misconduct resources/report
    • As an employer and educational institution, OSU has a responsibility to take reasonable steps to eliminate sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking. 
  • Survivor Advocacy & Resource Center
    • The OSU Survivor Advocacy and Resource Center is a safe and confidential space for all university community members, including students, faculty and staff affected by different forms of violence.
  • Office of Advocacy

For nearly two decades, we’ve empowered, advocated for, and supported thousands of students here at Oregon State.

Areas where we’ve assisted include: Code of Conduct violations, Cheating accusations, Grade appeals, Graduate student issues, UHDS conduct & contract issues, Student accounts & financial aid, International student issues, Equal Opportunity & Access cases

Career/Job-Related Resources

Campus employment

  • Diversity & Cultural Engagement
    • Diversity & Cultural Engagement provides on-campus paid employment opportunities promoting diversity and social justice. We offer numerous leadership opportunities through our Cultural Resource Centers and our initiatives. We engage student leaders through transformative learning experiences, positive social change, academic success and identity development.
  • Jobs at OSU
    • Job postings for any and all campus employment opportunities for various Colleges and Departments on campus.
  • Career Center
    • The Career Development Center is here to help you successfully pursue your career goals! We offer each OSU student access to career events, tools and resources, and individual career consultations specific to your background and goals.
  • Engineering Career Development Center
    • The Career Development Center has an engineering-specific office that provides relevant resume and cover letter review and mock interviews as well as any other career-related support for engineering students.

Summer jobs/Internships

    • MECOP and CECOP are co-op internship programs where engineering students are able to go on two fully-paid engineering internships for 6 months each.
  • Emerging Leaders
    • Emerging Leaders (EL) is dedicated to improving racial and cultural diversity at the leadership level in Portland-area companies by providing pathways to leadership for traditional and non-traditional students of color and aspiring professionals.
  • Inroads Students of Color 
    • You may be eligible for paid, multi-summer internships with some of the nation’s leading companies through Inroads Students of Color.