The following policies are applicable to all undergraduate students in the College of Engineering.

Student Conduct

  • The College of Engineering expects all of its students to follow the philosophy for OSU student conduct specified at by the Office of Student Conduct.
  • Retention of Student Conduct records: The College of Engineering follows the OSU General Records Retention Schedule:

Academic Honesty

The College of Engineering follows the university process in cases that involve a violation of the academic honesty policy.

Students that violate the academic honesty policy a second time will be removed from the College of Engineering for a period of one year.



كلية الهندسة تلتزم بالقواعد الجامعة لالنتهاك الألكاديمية. إذا وجدت في وضع خيانة أكاديمية للمرة

الثانية سينتج عنه الفصل الكلي من جامعة ولاية أورقن لمدة سنة كاملة. 


Academic Dishonesty Process

  • Confidentiality: Academic Dishonesty information is confidential.  The only College record of Academic Dishonesty by students in the College will be kept in the Dean’s Office
  • OSU policies have been translated into Arabic and Chinese languages.


Second Baccalaureate Degree

Students wishing to complete a second baccalaureate degree must be admitted to the professional program. Admission may be denied in those programs where there is insufficient space to accommodate all qualified students.
Students who have never been admitted to the professional program follow the same admission process as those who are seeking their first baccalaureate degree. Those who have been admitted to the professional program in one major may be admitted to a second major by petition, but only after completing all pre-engineering courses required by the second major. Petitions for this purpose must be approved by the department offering the second degree and by the college.