What is academic integrity?
Integrity is a character-driven commitment to honesty, doing what is right, and guiding others to do what is right. Academic misconduct, or violations of academic integrity, can fall into seven broad areas, including but not limited to: cheating; plagiarism; falsification; assisting; tampering; multiple submissions of work; and unauthorized recording and use. If you are unsure if something violates academic integrity policy, ask your professors, GTAs, academic advisors, or academic integrity officers.
The students and faculty of The College of Engineering at Oregon State University have a responsibility to act with integrity in all of our educational work, and that integrity enables our community of learners to interact in the spirit of trust, honesty, and fairness across the globe.
Hearing Officer Prohibited Behavior
Academic Integrity Process

Academic Integrity Resources
The Office of Advocacy can provide advice and guidance for students preparing to respond to an allegation of academic misconduct.
Student Conduct & Community Standards
Questions about the Code or Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Process can be answered here.
Get to know your resources and the folks who are here to support you before you ever feel like you need that help.
Citatiion Guidelines: Code & AI Sources
Learn how to properly cite code and AI-assisted content with this guide, which provides essential tips for maintaining academic integrity in technical work.
You will be receiving an email notice from the College Hearing Officer regarding the allegation. The message will explain the next steps in the process, so please watch for this letter and respond accordingly. The allegation does not mean that you are determined to be responsible.
Our goal is to assess all and every aspects of information for a fair judgement in your case. You will be found either responsible or not responsible for each charge. If you are found responsible, there will be an academic penalty and educational sanction for a first time violation. If probation or suspension is a possible sanction for your violation of the Code of Student Conduct, your case will be heard by the Student Conduct and Community Standards Committee.
The Administrative Conference is an opportunity for you to meet with the College Hearing Officer and discuss the alleged violation. This will be your only chance to review the submitted information supporting the allegation and discuss potential outcomes, should the College of Engineering find you responsible. You will have the opportunity to respond to the allegation at this meeting, as described in the Code of Student Conduct. We will also discuss additional University resources and support services that my help you achieve your academic goals.
Yes, you are welcome to be accompanied by your advisor or advocate. However, you are expected to speak for yourself and they may not speak on your behalf.
The administrative conference is your chance to submit additional information for your case. Please bring what you would like to share with the College Hearing Officer. After the meeting, you will have ten (10) business days to submit an additional written statement in response to the allegation.
Yes, we encourage every student who is involved in the alleged academic misconduct to participate. The process will allow you an opportunity to review the information and share your insights with the College Hearing Officer.
Your case will be proceeded without your input. Failure to complete the assigned sanctions could result in registration hold.
As each case is unique, there is no time period that applies to everyone. Most cases are resolved within a few weeks, but more complex cases may require longer.
Yes, the process itself should not prevent your registration. We strongly advise you to connect with your academic advisor.
No, the conduct record is confidential, and will not be shared without your authorization.
You may submit an appeal. An appeal is not a second hearing of the case, but rather a review of the process and information to determine if the process provided met the standards of the Code.