
Engaging through art

In 2007, Dominique Bachelet organized a climate change conference in Portland for The Nature Conservancy. “People would tell me, even years later, ‘Oh yeah, I remember that conference. I don’t remember who presented what research, but the art show was really cool!’” Bachelet said. The juried art show featured work by professionals and children.

Preparing for nature’s worst

Oregon’s natural beauty is renowned the world over, from its vast expanses of wild forest to its majestic coastline. But living side by side with nature also means living with a certain element of danger from natural hazards, like earthquakes, wildfires, tsunamis and ocean swells, coastal erosion, and landslides.

Heart of cold

Imagine someday you could have a backup copy of your heart or liver, grown from your own stem cells and ready to transplant, just waiting in cold storage should you ever need it. While that technology doesn’t yet exist, new research from the College of Engineering is paving the way toward a key prerequisite: The ability to preserve living tissues indefinitely.

Robots to the rescue

The rescuers search for survivors in the darkness of a vast labyrinth, deep below the surface. They squeeze through tight spaces, navigate blind turns, scramble over obstacles, and struggle to avoid innumerable traps laid for them. One wrong turn could spell disaster. Communication is limited. And time is running out.

Digital security for social justice

When Glencora Borradaile was starting out as a young assistant professor at Oregon State University, they worked long hours — teaching classes, writing grants, and conducting research — all with the goal of making tenure.

“I was really stressed out by work,” said Borradaile, who uses gender-neutral pronouns. “I was also unhappy about the state of the world, and climate change was really bumming me out.”