Jason Ideker
Room 304 Owen Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Ideker is passionate about teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level. He has served as both the Graduate Curriculum Chair and Undergraduate Curriculum Chair for CCE, both for 2 years. He is currently Chairing the Oregon State Universtiy College of Engineering Standing Committee on Curricular and Co-Curricular reform for the First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE).
He has taught many courses at Oregon State focusing on civil engineering materials, cement-based materials and green building materials. He also teaches online having pioneered the development of CCE 422/522 Green Building Materials as an Ecampus course. A selection of courses he teaches are listed below. Professor Jason Ideker’s research interests are in the area of concrete durability, early-age volume stability of cement-based materials and sustainable infrastructure construction. His group’s multi-scale approach results in translational research that combines fundamental scientific understanding with the improvement and development of test methods and specifications that enhance concrete performance.
As an internationally recognized expert in alkali-silica reaction (ASR), Ideker and his team investigate ways to improve and develop new ASR test methods that accurately reflect field performance. The group also develops fundamental knowledge regarding ASR mitigation mechanisms. His group is actively investigating early-age volume stability with a focus on influence of temperature and relative humidity in ettringite accelerated systems.
Ideker’s work is supported by NCHRP, CalTrans, EPRI, ARPA-E and Imerys Aluminates. They also do highly specialized contract testing for industry and DOT partners. Ideker is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of ASTM’s Advances in Cement-Based Materials, Editorial Advisory Board Member for Cement and Concrete Research, Secretary of ASTM C09.50 Aggregate Reactions in Concrete and a member of RILEM TC 258 – Avoiding alkali aggregate reactions in concrete - Performance based concept."