General FAQs for Proposal Submission

Yes. If your proposal could result in new or additional external funding to OSU, then it must be reviewed and approved by OSU before submission. Preliminary proposals do not require approval because they result in an invitation from the sponsor to submit a full proposal, not a funding award. Contact us if you have questions or concerns about a specific proposal.

No. Individual researchers are not authorized to sign anything on behalf of Oregon State University. Only designated staff in the Research Office have signature authority. The one exception is where a signature line specifies Principal Investigator. Our team can assist with getting OSU signatures.

Yes. Contact us right away, even if you don’t have full information yet. We’ll help figure out what is needed and what our team can do on short notice.

Submission Process

Sample Text

Cayuse SP for internal approvals:

Just-In-Time Cayuse Support:

Overview of proposal submission process, from OSU Research Office:

Proposal Resources

OSU cover page details:

Human / Animal Subjects (HRPP / IRB, IACUC):

Broader impact resources at OSU and general grant writing tips:…

SciENcv for Personnel Documents: