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In Memoriam: Professor Edward D. McDowell 1942-2018

Edward D. McDowell sadly passed away on April 4, 2018. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Ohio State University, and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Ohio University. Following the receipt of his Ph.D. in 1974, he joined the (then) Department of Industrial and General Engineering at Oregon State University as an Assistant Professor and continued as a faculty member for over 25 years, until his retirement as an Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in 2000.

Professor McDowell’s research areas have included Statistical Process Control (SPC), Design of Experiments (DOE), Stochastic Optimization, Robust Design, Optimal Design of Sampling Control Strategies, and Human Factors. His publications have appeared in several journals, including IIE Transactions, Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Journal of Quality Technology, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, and Journal of Manufacturing Systems. During the time Professor McDowell was at OSU, he taught a variety of courses both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, mainly in the areas of SPC, DOE, and Stochastic Optimization. He possessed such an in-depth knowledge and understanding of these three areas that he was the “go to” person for students, if they had a problem that needed to be resolved. His teaching and research was further complemented by research assignments that he held at the Air Force and the Navy during summer break. He had also taught at Kasetsart University in Thailand as a Visiting Professor. Professor McDowell was a senior member of IIE and a member of ASQC, ASEE, and Human Factors Society.

– R. Logen Logendran


April 18, 2018

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