
Oregon State and Corvallis are home to over 4,000 international students and their families from over 95 countries. Last academic year, the College of Engineering had almost 800 international graduate students comprising about 60% of the graduate program. We are proud to support such a diverse community, and the improving quality of our college depends on scholars like you.

Start with an exploration of our degrees and programs. From there, you will learn which faculty members can support your research goals. If you have specific questions about our M.Eng. programs, we encourage you to connect with our dedicated MEng Coordinator, Anita Hughes.

Meet Vishvas Chalishazar and learn about his research in the behavior of electrical grid systems during major earthquakes. Chalishazar was the first-place winner in electrical engineering and computer science for the 2017 and 2018 Graduate Research Showcase.

“The teachers here inspire and motivate you to study. You use your problem-solving skills to solve real-life challenges.”

Alisha Saduova

Ph.D. Candidate
Research Focus: Pavement design and the mechanics of fluids

“We have one of the best programs in the nation. We have luminary professors that give us all the things we need to train our thought process, to train how to do problem solving.”

Yunteng Huang

'97 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering
Research Focus: Circuit design

Picture of Stephanie Lange.

“I decided on OSU because of the talk with the dean. He was so convincing — with his vision and what his plans are and what he wants to do — that I said, ‘Yes!’”

Stephanie Lange

Ph.D. Candidate
Research Focus: Relationship between earthquakes and tunnels


Your presence at Oregon State is highly valued. You have the opportunity to attain an education that sets you on a path for leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity. Meanwhile, you are uniquely placed to contribute to the cultural diversity and academic robustness this university prides itself upon. We are committed to supporting you through your challenges and celebrating your successes.

If you have questions about opportunities within the college, feel free to contact the Center for Diversity and Inclusion. You can also request additional information about OSU international programs.

Oregon State University welcomes students from around the globe to study at a top 50 international public research university located in Corvallis, Oregon, on the West Coast of the United States. Our community is a warm, inviting, vibrant place for students from around the world to earn a university degree.


Moving to the United States for your education offers a wealth of opportunity for cultural enrichment. Oregon State welcomes the world, with more than 25 international student organizations that host a variety of programs and events throughout the year. Our seven cultural resource centers offer everyone a warm welcome as well as workshops, a variety of cultural celebrations, cooking demonstrations, and more. Most of all, our cultural centers offer camaraderie and a positive environment where you can explore culture, heritage, history, identity, and self-expression.

Your Oregon State experience doesn’t end when you graduate. If you choose to stay in the United States, there are many opportunities for involvement through alumni events. There are also a number of affiliated international alumni groups across the world.


The Office of International Services has a team dedicated to supporting the success of international sponsored students at Oregon State University. Our sponsored student team assists sponsoring organizations, sponsored students, and campus departments that host these students.

It has been an extraordinary 10 years for INTO Oregon State University as the pioneer for the university-embedded Pathway provision in the U.S.

INTO Oregon State Advantage

Oregon State University partners with INTO to create a support system for international students. Depending on qualifications, students can choose to enter the university directly or join the INTO OSU Academic English program or the Graduate Pathway program.

During Pathway programs, you will enter a fully integrated program where you will learn alongside your American peers to earn academic credits toward your degree while developing your English skills. Upon successful completion of your Pathway program, you will progress to your degree program.

Oregon State’s commitment to international education is evident in the purpose-built five-story International Living-Learning Center, which is a vibrant global hub of student life and educational activity, and also houses the INTO OSU Center.

Learn More

This page offers a small sample of information and resources available to international students. We want you to know we are available to support your journey beyond your academic work at Oregon State. 

The international admissions site has information about housing, tuition, applying, and scheduling an information session. If you have specific questions about the College of Engineering, please contact us or a faculty member directly.

When you study at Oregon State you will be become part of a larger international community on campus and have the opportunity to explore Corvallis and western Oregon.