Grade Point Average

School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering graduate students are expected to maintain a GPA of at least 3.00 as follows:

  • Every quarter they are registered at Oregon State University;
  • In each of their major and minor fields; and
  • In their overall cumulative GPA at Oregon State University.

Students who fail to meet these GPA standards will be sent a letter of notification and will be given two terms to raise to the expected performance standards. Those who fail to do so will be at risk of being dismissed from the program. Any student whose academic performance falls below standards a second time also will be at risk of being dismissed from the program.

Satisfactory Progress

Satisfaction of the GPA requirements noted above does not in itself constitute satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree. Students must also meet program milestones including filing a program of study with the OSU Graduate School in a timely manner. Further, students must satisfactorily complete all course and thesis work listed on that program of study within a reasonable period of time (normally one and a half years for the MEng degree, two years for the MS degree, and five years for the PhD).

Academic Performance Review - Required Annually

Annually, all graduate students in the School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME) are evaluated with regard to satisfactory academic progress. For Industrial Engineering (IE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), and Materials Science (MatSci) students pursuing research degrees (MS and PhD), this assessment process is initiated and driven by the student and involves the preparation of three documents. A fourth document is required only in cases of unsatisfactory progress. These documents are:

  1. Academic Milestones Plan. For students beginning their graduate work in the School of MIME, this document must be completed before the end of their first term. For continuing students, this document constitutes their plan for the next academic year, and it is due at end of each academic year.
  2. End-of-year Self-Narrative. All students (i.e., first year, continuing, and finishing) must prepare a self-narrative and be prepared to give it to their major professor when they ask them to evaluate their performance and sign their APR form (see item 3).
  3. Graduate Student Academic Progress Report. All students (i.e., first year, continuing, and finishing) must complete this document and approach their major professor to have them sign it before they submit it at end of each academic year.
  4. Performance Improvement Plan. This document is necessary only following an unsatisfactory academic progress assessment.

MIME has prepared guides for students to use in this effort. They can be found here:

IE, ME and MatSci students may access all necessary templates for creating these documents here.

A Robotics student’s academic progress is measured through coursework, oral examinations, and meeting research project deadlines with their major advisor. Major professors will provide feedback and consult on warnings and dismissals that are reviewed by the Robotics faculty bi-annually at the end of Spring and Fall terms.

Often an MEng degree can be completed within the span of one academic year, but any MEng students registered for spring term of a year will be sent a link to complete a self-evaluation of their progress.