Applications can be submitted via the NSF ETAP tool here: Applications will close on February 10th at 11:59pm Eastern Time.


Program Requirements

  • Cumulative GPA above 3.0
  • US Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Enrollment in an accredited college or university as an undergraduate in Fall 2025
  • Personal Health Insurance

Application Components

The application contains several components. We suggest that you gather all the information you need before starting the application. 

  • Name and Contact Information
  • Birthdate
  • Health Insurance Status (if you are accepted into the program you will need to provide proof of insurance)
  • Expected Degree & Graduation Date
  • University Information (University Name, address, your major and GPA) – for all Colleges/Universities you have attended
  • Rank your interest in each project (1-very interested, 2-interested, 3-not interested)
  • Short essay: Briefly explain what interests you about your preferred projects and robotics in general
  • Rank your experience with a conglomerated set of skills need for all of the projects (the skill set is listed on the application)
  • Short essay: Briefly explain your past projects that have prepared you for the REU. We primarily seek initiative and talent, irrespective of the specific area of engineering
    • Briefly describe a past project that you participated in and what your role was in that project - what was the project's goals? What did you bring to the project? How did the project turn out? (2-3 paragraphs)
    • This could include Robotics Club projects, competitions, novel software written, open-ended class project, interesting electronic devices created, model airplanes, rebuilding an engine, interesting SolidWorks models, etc.
    • What we are looking for here is evidence of initiative, responsibility, and open-ended problem solving. We already know what classes you've taken - tell us how you've put your skills to work on a "real" problem.
  • Short essay: Briefly explain any leadership, outreach, or increasing diversity activities you have participated in.
    • Briefly (1-2 paragraphs) describe any outreach, leadership, or diversity activities you have participated in and how you might share your REU experience when you get back. This could include working with youths, tutoring, being head of student chapter, involvement in charity organizations, etc.
    • What we are looking for here is community involvement - we can only admit a small number of students to the REU program, so we look for students that are willing to share what they learn with others. 
  • Short essay: How will the REU benefit you and your home institution and community?
    • Briefly (2-3 paragraphs) describe your current academic environment, your academic and career goals, and how your REU experience might benefit those goals and enrich your academic experience.
    • One of our evaluation criteria is potential benefit to you and your community; what do you think you will gain from this REU that you can't currently get at your home institution?
  • Provide contact information for two references
    • Your references should be sent a link to another survey where they can upload their recommendations. If this does not happen, please contact us and we will send them a link.
  • General demographic information
  • Upload a CV/Resume & Transcript

If you have any questions then don't hesitate to send an email to Naomi Fitter.