Civil and Construction Engineering students can participate in more than 200 student organizations at Oregon State University and more than three dozen student organizations are sponsored by the College of Engineering. Organizations specific to CCE are shown below and we encourage you to join and get involved!

CCE-Related Student Organizations Advisor
AEI Architectural Engineering Institute Kevin Houser
AGC Associated General Contractors of America David Trejo

American Institute of Steel Construction

A club of students who gather to exchange steel-related knowledge, engage in educational activities, and network with peers and industry representatives. Our goal is to support the Steel Bridge team as well.

Advisor: Dr. Judy Liu

President - Christopher Dean Lane-Massee

Executive Chair - Aime Nacoulma

Secretary - Luis Contreras

Treasurer - Jose Alvarez

AISES American Indian Science and Engineering Society TBD
AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Kate Hunter-Zaworski

American Society of Civil Engineers:

Tom Miller
ASPRS American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Michael Wing
Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society Michael Scott
DBIA Design-Build Institute of America Catarina Pestana
EERI Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Erica Fischer
ESC Engineering Student Council TBD
EWB Engineers Without Borders Lewis Semprini
GIGSO Geo-Institute Graduate Student Organization Armin Stuedlein
Hydrophiles TBD Mary Santelmann
MREC IMarine Renewable Energy Club Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, MREC Advisor; Hilary Boudet, MREC Advisor; Bryson Robertson, PMEC Director
NASTT North American Society for Trenchless Technologies Joseph Louis
NSBE National Society of Black Engineers TBD
Order of the Engineer TBD TBD
PLSOT Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon TBD
SACNAS Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science TBD
SASE Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers TBD
SHPE Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers TBD
SWE Society of Women Engineers TBD
Grad-SWE Society of Women Engineers Graduate Committee TBD
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Michael Olsen