Key Equipment Available
Research at the Concrete Performance Lab focuses on concrete durability, early-age properties of concrete and the pursuit of high-performance civil engineering materials. Concrete, the most widely used building material in the world, is a sustainable material when properly designed and constructed. While new materials may show promise, they are often made from natural resources that are simply not found in quantities abundant enough to compete with or even replace the most used construction material in the world, concrete. It is for this reason that concrete is the most advantageous for further development as an advanced material, and enhancements to concrete to generate special properties or to achieve superior performance may be a central path forward to ensure both long-term durability and sustainability.
- Eirich High Intensity Concrete Mixer R09T
- Drying Shrinkage Chamber
- ScienTemp Freeze-Thaw Machine
- Sound isolated room for grinding equipment, aggregate preparation, concrete and asphalt saws
- 700 Kip Forney compression testing machine
- Autogenous testing equipment for pastes and mortar with data acquisition
- Despatch environmental chamber
Other Equipment Available
- 55 and 115 L concrete drum mixers
- Geneq Concrete End Grinder (end grinding for 75, 100 and 150 mm concrete cylinder)
- 100% R.H., 23 C walk-in curing room
- 400 kip Tinius Olson testing machine
- Forced air ovens (38, 60 and 80 C for accelerated ASR testing)
- Walk-in 38 C oven for ASR testing
- Digital length comparators
- Gilson Test Master 6 Sieve Shaker
- Bench-top sieve shakers
- Temperature sensing equipment with data aquisition
- Pore solution expression device
- pH meter
- Chemical shrinkage testing equipment with image analysis
- Cole Parmer flame photometer
- Struers SEM sample preparation equipment (grinding and polishing for SEM)
- Charpy impact tester
- Other support equipment: Vibco vibrating table, larger curing tanks, high precision balances, weigh below capacity for aggregate density, ultra-pure deionized water system, chloride permeability testing equipment, concrete penetrometer (ACME)
Coming Soon
- Q-drums for semi-adiabitic calorimetry
- Outdoor exposure site in Corvallis, Oregon
- Marine exposure site, west coast location TBD
Shared Equipment Available at Oregon State
- FIB SEM - Materials Science in MIME
- ESEM - Materials Science in MIME
- X-ray Diffraction - Materials Science in MIME
- Machine shop for equipment fabrication, testing and engineering support