Ambient Pressure Surface Characterization Laboratory

The Ambient Pressure Surface Characterization Laboratory has unique capabilities for preparation and characterization of samples in a range of environments. The facilities are housed in Johnson Hall. Capablities include microscopy, spectroscopy, and diffraction. Users can be trained to use the equipment for independent research projects or staff members can assist or perform the analysis. APSCL has two main instruments which can be used for a range of surface characterization measurements. Primary capabilities are ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (AP-STM).

Biomedical Prototyping and Characterization Facility

The Biomedical Prototyping and Characterization Facility is a user facility for biomedical device development. This facility, established in 2021, builds on Oregon State University’s strengths in biomedical engineering, including micro- and nano-fabrication, biosensors, and medical diagnostics. It is intended to promote interdisciplinary collaboration by providing unique experimental capabilities and co-locating device fabrication and characterization tools in one shared, integrated facility. 

Environmental Molecular Biology Laboratory

The Environmental Molecular Biology Laboratory is fully equipped to process and quantify DNA, RNA and protein extractions from environmental samples, conduct end point PCR with gel electrophoresis, reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR). In conjunction with the Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing, the Environmental Molecular Biology Laboratory can assist with digital droplet PCR (ddPCR), 16S amplicon sequencing, metagenomic sequencing and bioinformatics analyses. Contact: Tyler Radniecki ( or Tala Navab-Daneshmand ( 

Oregon Process Innovation Center for Solar Cell Manufacturing 

The key enabler for creating a sustainable photovoltaics industry is to develop more energy efficient, more material efficient, greener, low-cost manufacturing processes for existing and future versions of high-efficiency solar cells. This center serves Oregon as a collaborative hub for industry and academic researchers to develop innovative processes for sustainable manufacturing. OPIC tools are established in Johnson Hall and Gleeson Hall and are available for use. Contact: Chih-hung Chang (

OSU-Benton County Green Stormwater Infrastructure Research Facility

The OSU-Benton County Green Stormwater Infrastructure Research Facility, an Oregon BEST Lab, is a three-celled stormwater research facility for field-scale experiments and testing on green infrastructure (e.g., raingardens, bioswales, etc.). The cells provide the ability to test various stormwater treatment technologies and treatment of various stormwater contaminants. These cells are also instrumented with multiple sensors to enable better data collection and modeling. Contact: Tyler Radniecki (

OSU microCT Facility

The OSU microCT facility offers high-resolution micro computed tomography scanning (~1-50 µm depending on sample diameter) of opaque objects up to approximately 130 mm in length. The source used on our system is a Hamamatsu L10711-19 that has been customized specifically for microCT application. Our version includes a diamond window as standard and the development of a completely new cut-away front of the source. Contact: Dorthe Wildenschild (