Major changes for the BSME degree are listed below as they affect rising Sophomores and Juniors.

These changes will be effective starting Fall 2023. If you are a continuing student and would like to transfer to the new ME curriculum, please fill out the form in the link below. 

Rising Sophomores

Important Changes to Note

1. Students will not take ENGR 212 (3 credits)

2. Students will not take ME 317 (4 credits)

3. Instead students will take ME 217 (4 credits). ME 217 has components of ENGR 212 + ME 317.

4. Students will not take ME 250 (1 credit). Instead, they can take 0 credit training on fabrication skills offered by the College of Engineering. Some components of ME 250 will be taught in ME 382 and MFGE 336.

5. Students will take ME 203 (3 credits).

Rising Juniors

Important Changes to Note

1. Students will not take ME 311 (4 credits).

2. Students will not be required to take ME 312, 331, 332, and MATS 322. These  will become elective courses that students can choose, or they might be part of certain Options.

3. ME 430 is now ME 320. ME 320 is a required course. The reason for the number change is that most 300-level courses are required courses whereas 400-level courses are electives.

4. Students will take ME 310 (4 credits). This is the new Thermodynamics I course.

5. Students will take ME 330 (4 credits). This is the new Intro to Fluids Mechanics and Heat Transfer class.

6. Options have been added. An Option is required for Corvallis based ME curriculum; the default Option is Mechanical Engineering Science.

  1. Options are comprised of 24 credits; 12 credits will be required courses and the rest will be electives from which students can choose.
  2. Mechanical Engineering Science is the default Option if students do not choose one, giving students the flexibility to explore courses within Mechanical Engineering.

Updates listed above are shown in yellow on the flowchart in the link below under 2nd and 3rd Year.