Water resource engineering involves understanding the hydrologic cycle and ensuring a clean, safe, and reliable supply of fresh water for human use and for natural ecosystems.
Water resource engineers have the awesome and rewarding responsibility to protect and manage life’s most precious resource. Their professional functions vary considerably. They may design and manage community water supply systems, or monitor creek and river water quality and temperature to safeguard aquatic life. They may work on river restoration projects or develop systems to protect water resources during storms. Or they may ensure that wastewater treatment plants operate within environmental regulations — and much more.
Our graduates enter the workforce with a solid knowledge base and plenty of hands-on experience so they can step into a satisfying career and contribute to the health and well-being of people, animals, and plants.
Graduate Information
The Water Resources Engineering (WRE) degree program is designed to provide students with the necessary skills to undertake life-long careers in water resources engineering and system design.
Students enrolled in this degree will be broadly trained to undertake life-long careers in water resources system design, and will have the option to focus on groundwater, surface water, or watershed engineering.
Students will be required to take a minimum of 12 (M.S.) or 15 (Ph.D.) credits of graduate level engineering courses, and at least 6 (M.S.) or 9 (Ph.D.) credits of water science courses to support the engineering analysis. Water science courses may be selected from non-engineering departments across the campus, and are required to provide the students with the scientific context to understand the non-quantitative aspects of water resource systems.
Students completing the WRE degree program will meet the coursework requirements to attain Professional Hydrologist certification through the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH).
Job Market Outlook
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